Chapter 16

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I starred in the eyes of the man who I loved like a father.

I looked into his crying eyes and found a deep sadness there.

Why was he said?

Did I make him said?

I didn't want that. I tried to say I was sorry but the words wouldn't come out. My throat burned And I didn't have the air for them anyway. So I stared into those said eyes as my heals kicked, as my eyes bulged, and as my brain ran out of oxygen.

I died.


I lurched awake, pain shooting through my throat as I screamed. I thrashed for a moment then the world lurched as I fell and my screams ceased as the air was knocked out of my lounges from the impact with floor.

I lay there for a moment. Trying to regain control of my thoughts as my body tried to fill itself with air.

I hadn't died. The pain in my throat was from being choked by Neil, not from being hanged! It was Neil who had hanged that woman, i- it- it wa-

I jumped to my feet still out of breath, I didn't recognize the room but there was a trash can at the foot of the bed. I ran too it, barely making it in time before I began vomiting as hard as I could.

I knelt there for what felt like an eternity, I threw up until there was nothing left, then my body switched to dry heaving instead.

I had started to cry at some point. I wasn't sure when. 

I wasn't a murderer, I hadn't killed children.

But I could still remember doing it all the same. This part never got easier, no matter how many times I did it.

I heard the door open. I didn't turn, I didn't even bother trying to sense their aura.

I just wanted to go back to sleep. To be able to forget, even if just for a little while, to forget the things I'd seen. But sleep would give me no relief, the dreams of dead men waited for me there.

I felt warm hands under my legs and back. They effortlessly lifted me into the air. I was barely coherent, but I remember being carried to a different room, one that didn't stink of vomit and terror.

I remember being laid down on a bed. and I could remember seeing a strand of blue streaked hair before drifting back to sleep.


Consciousness came slowly to me this time. awareness even slower. the first thing I became aware of was the noise. It was a the creaking of the walls, the quite hum of conversation, the loader thuds of people walking, running, playing.

Next came smell. The wonderful smell of cooking bacon, the smell of coffee, and of wood and old books.

Next came touch, or I should say pain!

My neck burned, and there where other aches and pains all over my body that I didn't even remember receiving but still made their presence known all the less.

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