"Too wait"

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We continued to play, albeit with more talking than in most chess games.

Blair had been made incredibly uncomfortable at one point when Rogers turned to face her and said.

"Thank you for saving him."

I don't think that Blair was that used to being thanked for protecting people, After all, that was just what alphas did.
But the thanks mixed with the unwavering intensity in Roger's gaze actually made her fidget, and stammer out a. "you-you're welcome."
I logged away that stammer, I was definitely going to make fun of her for it later.

Although I learned that the tides of embarrassment could shift quickly when Rogers and Blair were talking.
"I'm glad that Alder's finally made some friends, he so damn antisocial that it makes it difficult. He's the only person I know who can be outgoing, yet not tell you a single personal detail the whole time he's talking."
Blair nodded in agreement. "I noticed that when I first met him. He talks a lot, and says almost nothing."

"He's also right here," I said while glaring at the two of them. And so what if I didn't talk about my personal life much. That was a good way to get eaten.

A few more hours passed. And eventually, Rogers left. Before he did though he told us that it was about an hour before sunset.

The room got rather tense after that. "So I've been thinking," Blair said.

"Yeah, about?"
Blair shifted a few times, clearly uncomfortable.
"I'm going to try and leave." Her voice was firm, not leaving any room for argument.

I tried anyway. I looked at the door and then back to her.  "You're going to try and go out there," I said while gesturing towards the door. Right on cue, the door shook with a heavy impact. "

Her masked expression remained unchanged. "I've lived here for a month now, I know the woods well enough to hide from them. Or at least outrun them. I have the stamina to do it."
I stared at her for a few minutes. Not saying anything, just thinking.

"You couldn't hide from them, they'd sniff you out. Maybe you could outrun them. But what are the chances that you actually will? That you're not just going to immediately try and fight all of them at once."

Blair tried to lie. It didn't work.

Before I had finished speaking I had lifted the filter off my senses.

"Even if my mind will be mostly wolf I should still have enough rational thought to hide, or run."

I pondered her words. She was lying, her aura had lit up with a dark red and pink.

"Blair." My voice was soft., A strong contrast to the angry tone that I used when I got her to let me leave the mansion.
"If you die trying to protect me you can't help your pack. You would be abandoning them."

Blair stood with enough force to topple the couch. Her mask had cracked and frustrated rage showed through as she stalked over to me. Leaning over, she grabbed me by the collar and dragged me closer before growling. "What I'm I suppose do than?"  her voice was filled with desperation.  "let you die? I already tried that! And I couldn't do it! Now it'll be in my own hands."
My weight couldn't have meant anything to her but her hands still shook slightly.  I rested my hands on hers.
"No, you don't have to let me die. You won't kill me."  I tried to believe my words as hard as I could. If I could convince myself, I could convince her.

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