"An asphalt road"

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As I followed the old witch out of the store I noticed that the surrounding area was covered in a thick mist.

Well that's odd. I glanced around for a moment and when I looked back the old witch was gone.

There was nothing around me accept for the swirling mists and the quite humming of the old witch some distance ahead of me.

This town wasn't normal. Strange things frequently happened here But Lately they seamed to be happening on a much larger scale and on a near daily bases.

But hey maybe this mist was normal. Sure it was four o'clock and sunny just a couple of minutes ago....and it appeared right after a crazy old witch came in the store... yeaaah I'm sure that's it. Just perfectly natural weather.

I heard a noise out somewhere in the mist. A clicking on the pavement, almost like a dog walking across a tiled floor.

"CLIP....CLOP, CLIP....CLOP." The slowly got sound got closer. "CLIP....CLOP, CLIP....CLOP." It was an almost hesitant sound, like whatever was making it was searching for something.

My instincts screamed at me to stay still and I froze Barely even breathing.

It sounded different then a dogs nails. It was deeper.

I noticed something then. The mist around me was cold. The whole area was cold And as the creature drew closer it got colder still.

I sensed something. A feeling, a single overwhelming sensation radiating off the thing in the mists, Hunger.

"CLIP." It was heading straight for me!I started to panic. I had been in fights before. Even life threatening situations. But not like this! Not just sitting, vision obscured Well something stalked me.

I had however been hunted before, I had been hunted my whole life.

My instincts told me to bolt, to flee. That however would almost certainly get me killed. The moment I bolted away, making a huge ruckus in the process, this thing would be on me. I didn't know what it was but chances where good that it was faster then me.

I focused on my aura. pulling it tight, condensing it as close as I could to my body, repressing it as hard as I could.

The sounds stopped. With the mist obscuring sounds it was hard to tell how close it was to me, It could be ten feet away or right in front of me.

I heard its breathing, raged and deep.

Through the cool and slightly woody smell of the mist in my nose I picked up on a smell that nearly stopped my heart. It was a smell that almost always meant the end for one like me.

Musk and rot. Whatever this thing was it wasn't strictly alive. And things that weren't strictly alive but still moved plenty lively enjoyed one simple thing.

Food. and their favorite food was the talented folk, even those of little.

So I stood there frozen in place, viciously suppressing my aura. And breathing as shallowly as I could.

The thing moved, I could hear it's breath getting closer as well as it's clopping feet.

And just when I thought it would walk into me I heard a voice call out. "Dearie could you hurry up?" "This weather isn't good for these old bones!"

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