"Offensive tactics"

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I had seen werewolves do a number of things, I had seen them in quite a few different states of mind. I had seen werewolves move when they were overjoyed, rushing to embrace a friend. I had seen them angry, arguing over territory and moving to attack.

I had seen one move well afraid, even if it only was in their head.

but I had never seen a werewolf who was fighting to protect someone before.

As the wendigo closed in its claws flashing. Blair suddenly appeared embedded a half foot into its side.

It exploded to the back, flying through the air and breaking a few trees before finally connecting with one large enough to halt its massive frame.

The wendigos healing potential was incredibly, but Blair didn't give it any time to heal.

It hadn't even dropped from the tree before her foot was lashing out towards its chest, evidently intending to crush the heart (along with the rest of its chest cavity) in a single strike. A claw lashed, forcing Blair to twist to the side, just barely avoiding its obsidian claws.

She came out of her twist, striking out with her hand and catching its elongated skull on the jaw. "Crack!" it staggered to the side, still clearly off balance. It caught Blair in a desperate swing, sending her flying back once again.

Blair had learned from her past impacts and flipped the moment she was knocked back, aligning her feet with the forest behind her.

We're all werewolves trained to move as if they were in a bad kung fu movie?

She rebounded back towards the Wendigo in a flash.

She was fast, almost ridiculously so. But she was also predictable. And that's what really cost her.

One claw reached out and snatched her arm, its sharp points digging in deep through bone. Blair didn't even hesitate for a breath.

She moved, her leg blurring towards its chest. another claw lashed out and as the tip of it went past her, it severed her leg at mid-thigh. The severed leg still hurtled towards its chest But without the force of her body behind it, the blow landed with a light thud, bouncing off into the air.

I didn't even have time to register it, to scream out, to do anything.

Blair didn't share my hesitation. Still using the momentum from her leap she swung forward her undamaged arm grabbed her leg as it hung in the air from its bounce, and drove it through the wendigo's chest. It froze. At first only in motion, its muscles completely still, it's very presence seeming to disappear. And a moment later literally froze, ice crackling over its skin and skull. It became a statue. A statue that began to crumble and crack. Even as I watched a crack slowly spread along with its claw and up its arm until it finally terminated at its shoulder.

Slowly the entire arm, along with Blair, tumbled to the ground.

I hadn't even thought Blair was still conscious, one leg missing, one arm torn open to the bone. And countless other injuries covered her body, a body that no longer had the energy to heal itself. Even with all that she turned in the air, managing to get her single leg under her. She hit the ground with a thud but managed to roll to the side, avoiding the wendigo's crashing corpse. And diverting some of her momentum.

She lay there, unmoving. For a panicked moment, I thought she had died, I tore back the filters on my senses revealing her aura.

Alive! She was still alive. But her aura was faint, dim. If she didn't get medical attention fast she was going to die, she would bleed out before anything else, but even if she survived the blood loss she needed thousands of calories or her body was going to eat itself.

I needed to help her. I needed to get down.

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