"Blunt force"

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It tended to vary how much Blair remembered when her mind was this far gone. Sometimes it was nothing but sensations and emotion. A Good taste here, an interesting sound their. She could remember being happy then or furious later.

Sometimes she could remember everything just with an animalistic filter. She loved that filter sometimes, the simplicity of it, the Certainty.

Sometimes it terrified her, the places her mind went. The things she wouldn't even hesitate to do.

Tonight though, when the moon had risen and her mind shifted she had been thankful, it made the world simple. This giant deer was an enemy, it was trying to kill one of hers. So she would rip it apart, simple.

It was true that little tree was a new addition, not quite pack, but still one of hers.

She had decided very clearly on that.

This thing had hurt him. She snarled, feeling the strength of the moon flooding through her body she pushed off, her legs tensing, muscle and magic hurling her forward.

Destroy, had to destroy! Her hairless claws slashed out, carving slashes down the big deers back.

As She started to fall she went to work, slashing frantically with hands, kicking with feet. She felt the muscles tearing, the bones cracking. Good! This is what She wanted. This was how it was supposed to go!

Deer weren't supposed to be this strong, This resilient. It wasn't right! One of the deer's claw-tipped hands reached for her. She snarled, biting down on the skin of its back and thrashing her head.

Deers weren't supposed to have claws! She ignored the reaching hand, doubling down on her attack.

The rage had settled in deep, deeper than she had allowed it to in years.

She didn't even flinch when the claws started raking her sides. She was close! A little more and she could reach the heart!

She was ripped away from her perch on its back, Suddenly flying through the mists once again.

NO! She had almost had it!
Even as she watched the muscle and sinew begin to rise and knit themselves back together.

She tried to twist in the air, desperate to right her self before- "CRACK!" The world went numb as She lay there, embedded in a tree.

Her vision was particularly obscured as blood from a wound she couldn't feel trickled down her face. Red... she didn't like the color much. With a snap something in her spine reconnected and Her world went white with pain.

All-consuming, all-encompassing pain! It ran up her back like a live wire, sending a bolt of agony down her limbs as it went. She spasmed, hands clenching, teeth grinding. In the back of her awareness, she could hear heavy footsteps approaching But her mind was blank, everything in her trying to cope with the mind-shattering pain!

Without warning a sound broke through to her pain-addled mind, a scream. One so Loud and filled with challenge that a part of her couldn't help but take notice. With the scream came a soothing wave of power, washing over her and taking the pain with it. She was suddenly at peace, the pain fading away as her body continued to heal itself, Sensations other than pain flowing back to her.

The itch of hair plastered to her face, wet from being flung through the mist so many times.

The coarse grains of wood all around her. And the sound of stomping footsteps, although they weren't getting closer anymore. In fact, they were getting farther away, toward the source of that soothing wave-

She flung her shelf from the tree into the open air. The deer was reaching for little tree, waves of power still rolling off of him.

Her mind became utterly single-minded, her focus absolute.

She had to save little tree, she had to kill the deer.

As she fell through the air she reached out to the moon above, felling its power like a cold sun. So of that power belonged to her, just waiting to be used. She reached out and seized it!

If Blair had been human, if her mind had been human, she would have hesitated, would have taken time to calculate her angle and the force needed to do this right. But Blair wasn't human, Blair was a wolf and wolves acted.

So she didn't worry or calculate as she fell, she didn't take notice of the air flowing past her. She didn't take in the scents of the forest. There wasn't any room for it in her mind, there was only room for one thing, kill the deer.

An instant before impact with the ground she channeled all the magic she could tear from the moon into pure strength. With a scream of her own, she twisted, slamming her feet into the tree behind her with all the force in her body. One goal, kill the deer.

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