Chapter 15 "The noose maker"

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The panic in her voice made my brain crash into overdrive.

Possession, that was a nasty business that often proved fatal for the victim. A ghost that could do a full possession was powerful. All of those things were true and I knew that I had to move fast, but what really put my hairs up was the total lack of pride in Blair's voice. there hadn't been any of the  overbearing authority or self composure that was usually there ether. No, there was just pure,  desperate, fear.

One of her pack was in danger and she couldn't stop it herself. I understood what that meant to her in a way that only someone who had see another's soul really could. 

I sprinted out the door, not even pausing to put my shoes on.

Blair darted past me and was in her car before I was five feet out door.

I leaped in the passenger seat and she slammed her foot on the gas before I had even closed the car door.

We raced along the road at a reckless speed made only slightly safer by the driver possessing super human reflexes.

I started asking questions in as calm a tone as I could mange.  "How long ago did the possession occur?"

Blair took a corner at speed then answered. "An hour ago, that's my best estimate. "I drove to you when we couldn't small her except for faint traces, it was like she was becoming a different person in smell not just in mind."

I controlled my expression but winced internally, that was not good, there was a magical element to a werewolf's sense of smell, I knew that much, if the pack member was starting to smell different then it was because their spirt was being pushed out all together. If I didn't get that ghost out of her fast, she would be nothing but an empty meat sack with a new occupant.

Despite my expression remaining neutral Blair still stiffened. "How long?" She asked.

Damn, she had smelled my sudden spike of fear. "We need to get it out of her before nightfall, or shes dead in all but name. My tone was grim.

I could only see half her face do to her looking at the road, but from what I could see she looked sick. "Did you see the ghost before it possessed her?"

"I didn't, but one of my pack did. They said it was a man who looked like an old fashioned butler." "He said the ghost was screaming about how it wasn't fair, and that he would make us pay for trespassing." I gave a grunt of acknowledgement.

A lot of ghost just wondered around unable to comprehend the world around them. Some went about their day as if the where still alive. A few where fully aware. But more often then not, especially if they had a violent death, they went mad. I was guessing that this Butler was the latter.

"How strong is the pack member that was possessed, Mental I mean."

Blair replied immediately. "Elly can teach mules lessons in stubbornness." "Alright, that's good I'll have a bit more time then."

Just then we reached the two mile stretch of her driveway, she took the turn so fast that she barely managed to avoid spinning out of control.

We shot down the straight stretch of road like a bullet. We reached the gate in a minute flat. Blair slammed the brakes, I was slammed forward, my seatbelt catching me from flying through the front windshield. I could hear the screech of tiers and smell burning rubber. We scudded to a stop and I threw myself from the car. Blair was already standing in front of me, "come on!" Was all she said before turning and tearing off towards a side door.

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