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Joo Hyerim

I stared at my result in my hands trying not to let my tears fell even though they are already forming.Gulping hard I smiled more like forcing it as I look at my group of friends who's smiling widely.

"I got into top 5"My friend Min said happily as she showed her result to us.As expected ,Min is in the top 5 again.I mean c'mon she will always be in the top 5 ,she's a smartie ass even though she didnt learn hard or revise hard before the exam.

"Hey I got number 6,theres only one difference Min!"Yeeun whine as she pout at Min who's  that happy but not showing it to us since she dont want to look like she's bragging her position at us.

"How about you Hyerim what is your number?"Taeha asked trying to look at my report card but I folded it closely not wanting her to see my result.Im so embarrassed that I feel like wanting to die okay maybe that sound to exaggerating but between my friends and I,I'm the lowest and my parents will kill me

"I'm still 12"I said bitterly trying not to show how sad and upset I am with my life after receiving the stupid report.Now how am I gonna show this to my parents? They always brag other kids marks rubbing it on my face instead of supporting mine.

"You still manage to get to the nearest top 10 right?Im sure its no biggies"Yeeun said and I just smiled at her.Yeeun is a total sweetheart, she's very considerate out of all of my friends but that doesnt mean the others are not like her.

"Ofcourse its near top 10 the gap is only and literally 2 numbers its cool"I said , no its not okay smiling while biting my lips.Trying to hold these damn tears from falling.This is the moment where I feel like Im choking myself or someone is circling ropes around my throat.

"Ohh its time to go home see you tomorrow girls"Min said and rushed out of the classroom.

Soon,one by one my classmates walked out heading home probably showing their results to their parents or just kept their result to their selves not wanting the parents to find out because they thought they will be get yelled for not scoring well.

I stared at my result again

Joo Hyerim
Percentage of all subject=71%
Rank= 12 out of 28

"Why cant I be smart?"My voice started to cracked ,I packed my things and walked to the school's library.Walking to the end I sit at the farthest,away from everyone.Pulling out my science textbook I started to revise again for the upcoming monthly test that I want to score well.

"Pst Hyerim"A soft voice said startling me as the person held my shoulder and whisper in my ears.I shook Jisung lightly more like pushing him off me softly and let his arm fall from my shoulder.

"Not now Jisung"I whimpered off and continue to focus on where Im revising earlier not caring at the boy who's handing out an ice cream at me.I love eating ice cream or something sweet when Im studying but right now is not a perfect time.

I eyed him curiously as he hands me the ice cream which is my favorite.Jisung fake cough putting the ice cream inside my pencil case shyly before siting next to me.

"I knew you're going to study here so I bought you the ice cream that I saw you eating the other day.I thought its your favorite"Jisung said and I smiled at the boy's effort.He always cares about me, he have that caring personalities making people fall for him and I think thats what attract people the most other than his talkative mouth.

"Aww thanks Jisung"I thank him as he look at my textbook thats filled with notes and circles along with underlines.I bit my lip hard since I expect already what he's gonna ask me.Today is also the day where we got our report cards so it wot be a surprise if he ask me.

"So what did you got for your exams?"He asked as I just look down onto my lap,not daring to look at him.

"I got number 12"I said slowly lifting my head up,Jisung sigh leaning closer towards me and wipe my tears away.I blink my eyes quickly acting as if Im okay.

"I-I didnt notice I cried"I said wiping my tears by myself.Jisung just stood there looking at me and soon I can feel my head on his chest.

"Let it all out"Jisung whispered hugging me.I was to blurred that time but I dont care I cried.I cried on his embrace.

"Your being stressed.Please stop stressing yourself"He said whispering that theres another chance again and again and again.

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