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Joo Hyerim

"Why cant you be just like Jisung?or your friend Min who always got good result"Mom said as she starting to nag at me.

The most embarrassing part is that Jisung is actually here beside me zipping his mouth straight while intertwining his fingers with mine under the table.

"But mom I got 79 for my maths result you do know maths is hard right?"I said begging my mom to not embarrassed me infront of Jisung.

"Thats the problem Hyerim you got 79,atleast aim for 80"She said making me poke my inner cheeks with my tongue.

"Honey can you stop?Hyerim is tired already you cant tell her to study all the time.All of the kids in her age hangs out unlike her she kept on studying just to make you proud"My dad said interfere with what my mom said.

"Jisung take Hyerim for a walk or roam around the city"My dad said gesturing at Jisung to take me out.

"Good for you your dad took your sides"Jisung said.I just put my lips into a thin line thinking how greatful I am for my dad to take my side.

"I know but when will my mom stop asking me to study when infact I am studying?"I said a loud sigh escape my mouth.

"Dont worry Hyerim-mie Im here if your mom keep on asking you to study harder"Jisung said.We kept on bumping each other while walking.

"Jisung why do you care so much about me?your always there for me whenever Im crying or you'll find out yourself."I asked as I stargaze the star while walking.

Jisung seemed hesitant to answer me so he kept quiet for a while.His lips parted but no words came out thats until he intertwine his fingers with mine.

"Its because I care about you Joo Hyerim ,like it or not you'll still stuck with me"He said shyly as a tint of redness can be seen on his cheeks.

"Are you confessing indirectly at me?"I asked stopping my track ,Jisung stopped as well.Turning to me he pinch my nose bridge.

"Thats for you to find out"He said before continue on walking infront of me.I was stunned at his gestures.

"Hey wait for me squirrel!"I yelled at the boy thats walking ahead infront of me leaving me behind.

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