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Joo Hyerim

Looking at my reflection I asked myself,Am I worth it of living?how come a girl like me exist?all I can see in the mirror is just a potato reflecting herself.

Taking pictures of me and all,I look pretty in it.Why?obviously its because of the effects and stickers.The world is fake.

Its modern now and everything is fake.If you want to be slim you can wear those tight underwear.If you want to look pretty ,you can wear those tons of heavy makeup.

Its the secret of beauty,theres nothing to be ashamed of.Cause most of the girls/woman in the world do this.

Me?I rather not put makeup.Just lip balm and some powder.

Sometimes I asked myself,cant I learn to do makeup?Its a basic things to do to look pretty.

Even if I do,my friends still look pretty than me.

"Took you long enough to pee"I said to Min who just walk out of the stall washing her hands drying it after that.

"It the time of period"Min said and I just nod at her because I know what she meant by that.

I stare at Min's reflection from the mirror and I cant help but feel insecure about myself.Both of us are tall,but I cant deny that Min is prettier than me.

Her long eyelashes batted their way naturally and her long wavy hair lay behind her.Her rosy lips and her pretty huge eyes.

"Stop staring Hyerim I know Im pretty"Min joked as the both of us walked out from the bathroom.

"Pftt as if"I joked back making her laugh loudly.I put on my happy smile knowing well that she's pretty even if she's denying that.

Because yes if Im being honest Min is pretty.

"Ayo babe what are you doing ?"Jisung said slinging his arm around my shoulder as the both of us walk to the cafeteria together.

"Just got ditch by Min cause she needs to her business again in the toilet"I said rolling my eyes while holding his hands thats on my shoulder.

"Hey urm Jisung?can I ask you a question?"I asked debating if Im sure enough to ask him the question or not.

"Yep"Jisung said staring into my eyes deeply.I sigh loudly and stare at my fingers that pinching his finger not wanting to meet his gaze.

"Am I pretty?"I asked him,I felt embarrassed asking him the question.He probably gonna answered me that Im not prett————-

"Yes your to pretty to the extent that I can jump from the rooftop for you and to the extent I can go gay for Minho hyung for you"He said showing off his bunny teeth.

I swear my heart just skipped a bit,I never heard this compliment especially from a boy.

I smiled widely sitting at our table.I feel so honored.

To every girls in the world dont think yourself not pretty cause every girls in the universe are pretty.

If a girl say that your not pretty then answer her.

"I think your talking about yourself because I never seen such a hideous person in my life other than your cocky attitude"

If you have a beautiful face but your attitude is a bitch then trust me,your friends will slowly leave you.

Just because of not being pretty can make your life low-esteem.Trust me when I say all girls are pretty then all of you girls are pretty.

Remember dont just be pretty.Your attitude and your heart also needs to be pretty.

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