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Joo Hyerim

"So I told my parents about the marks and I was grateful that they didnt even yell at me.I was praying already to not get kick out of the house yikEs"I said ranting at Jisung who's busy sketching some random stuff on his sketchbooks.

"Thats good,you do know I dont want you to be sad nor stress cause I care for you you little punk hehehe"Jisung said giggling focusing on his works.

Viewing his side-view,not gonna lie.Han Jisung is indeed good looking.His hair is not that well styled but it looks good on him.His eyes are pretty and his cheeks reminds me of a squirrel.

"Take a picture so it last longer Joo Hyerim"Jisung said making me flustered knowing that he knew Im staring at him.

"I-Im not staring"I stuttered defending myself.Jeez thats embarrassing.

"Yeah yeah"He said teasing me,still not looking at me.

"Hey Im just going to go to get my water bottle"I said to Jisung who just nodded at me telling me to come back sooner or he'll burn my notebook.

When I came back with my water bottle I saw Jisung with a girl talking ,the girl has the brightest smile on her face meanwhile Jisung didnt even react to her.

"Who's this?"I asked Jisung trying not to make anything awkward between us in us I mean me and the girl ofcourse.

"Oh this is urmm Yuijun——"

"Its Yoojun"Yoojun said cutting Jisung's off sighing at him for not remembering her name.

Not trying to brag but Yoojun is indeed pretty too ,she's not that bad nor good but she's in the middle.She's pretty ,very pretty.

I bit my lips again feeling small about my self.I was quite embarrassed with my figure.Yoojun owns a baby face,along with her soft skin and theres me just me.

The unexpected meeting reminds me of Jisung and I on our first time meeting each other.

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