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Joo Hyerim

Being in a relationship with Jisung is very fun.He's being more sweet and romantic towards me when we're alone together.

But when we're around his friends nor mine he just held my hand or place his arm around my waist or just slung his arm around my shoulder.

Ofcourse,theres also a bad thing that will happened because I know it will occur anyway.

"See you at the library okay?"Jisung said kissing my cheeks and walked away from me heading his way to the library while I go to the vending machine buying us two cans of coffee.

After that I walked back to the library and go to our usual spot.When I was walking there I saw an irritate Jisung with another girl.

I frown at the sight but nonetheless I walk towards them.The girl turn around and when she saw me her eyebrows knitted a little.

"Oh Hyerim didnt know your studying together with Jisunggie"She said saying Jisung's name in a cute voice.

"Uhhh yeah ofcourse Im studying with my Jisung because we're having a study date right now.What makes you here?"I asked raising an eyebrow at her.

I swear the moment I took a sit next to Jisung,Jisung refrained himself to laugh out loud by placing his cold expression on his face.

This cute goof

"I just want to ask if Jisung is free today because I want to take him to somewhere like a date"Yoojun said making me choke on my saliva before I can Jisung cough loudly.

"Excuse me?!"Jisung and I yelled at her thank god the library is empty and the librarian is our for her break.

"How can you have the guts to say that?like dude cant you see the both of us are dating?"I asked her annoyed by her confidence.She literally thinks Jisung will go on a date with her?!

"I'm prettier than you Hyerim,face it one day Jisung will just leave you"Yoojun said batted her eyelashes out.What the f I thought she's nice what the f?

"You can say that your prettier than Hyerim but Hyerim is wayyyy more beautiful than you.she and her heart is to pure that I need to protect it at all cost unlike yours I think you can manage it by yourself so maybe thats the reason why you're still single huh?"Jisung said making Yoojun felt like shit before walking away.

"Im prettier than you Hyerim,face it one day Jisung will just leave you"That word kept on repeating in my head.

"So how was I?Arent I cool?"Jisung asked proud of himself.I just rolled my eyes at him and smiled.

In the middle of studying Jisung's hand found himself with mine.Im not complaining it since Im used to it already.

"I know that look Hyerim.Tell me whats wrong?"Jisung asked.I stopped whatever Im doing and just sigh putting my chin on the table.

"Yoojun said she's prettier than me.Am I that ugly?"I asked pouting feeling insecure for the nth time.

Jisung just chuckle and lean himself near me due to shock I back away from him but he kept on leaning closer towards me and just laugh his ass off.

"Your way more better and prettier than Yoojun,trust me.She cant beat you"He said kissing my cheeks.

I just sigh nodding at him and continue to study beside him.

I stare at his feature and somehow smile at him.He's all mine I thought.

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