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Joo Hyerim

There stood a boy with his back facing me.I smile and ran to him quietly.I tried my best not to squeal when I tap his shoulder.

"Seungmin?"I asked tilting my head a bit when the boy turned around only to reveal Seungmin with a chocolate on his hand.

"Why do you want to meet me?"I asked,its not like I dont like being with Seungmin but its just whenever Im with him it's either awkward or just silence.

"S-so urmm you see..."Seungmin trailed off looking at the floor not wanting to meet my gaze.

"I like you Joo Hyerim so much"He squeak loudly making me widen my eyes before smiling widely.

"Im sorry Seungmin I cant return your feelings.I have feelings for someone else"I said patting his shoulder.

His shoulder sank down and his face fell too.It must felt like shit but dont worry I felt that too before.

"Its Jisung isnt it?"He asked trying to not show his sad expression to me.I just smiled forcedly and nodded at him.

"Im sorry..."I trailed off not wanting to look at his eyes because Im feeling guilty as heck right now.Seungmin just sigh loudly and took my hands holding them.

"Dont be.Im the one who's supposed to say sorry Im sorry I confessed to you.Im sorry I cant be Han Jisung"He said sadly.

"But hey we still can be friends"I said wiggling my eyebrows at him and he just laugh loudly.

I smiled at him knowing that he can be happy from sad in a second.His future girl must be very lucky to have him .Maybe the girl is you who's reading this right now ;')

"Ofcourse"Seungmin squealed and the both of us hug each other.But there's something weird in this one its not one of the loving hug but its one of the friendly hug.

We both let go of each other and parted our ways.I walked towards my class with the chocolate in my hands.

Seungmin might not owned my heart but Jisung did.Im sorry Kim Seungmin but I dont have a reason why I should like you.Beside's ,you deserve a better girl than me


Chaps of what happened between this two🔥

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