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Joo Hyerim

I studied.I studied hard yesterday theres no way Im gonna fail the test.Im pretty sure I score 80 plus.It cant be 70 again ,right?

"Please be patience students.."Mrs.Kim our science teacher said handing our paper one by one.Instead of calling our name she decided to go to our seats handing the paper out.

"I didnt expect the result is out in half an hour"I mumbled playing with my fingers nervously waiting for my paper to be hand out.

And in an instant Mrs.Shin put a paper on my desk.My eyes trailed down at the paper before picking it up.

Seeing the marks,my heart almost dropped.It cant be right?I studied hard yesterday.I studied with Jisung I revise almost everything with him.

"Oh my god a perfect score!"I heard Taeha squealed beside me trying to control her excitement .

"Wow Taeha you got 92 thats pretty high"Min compliment Taeha taking a look at her marks.I bit my lips disappointedly.

My heart immediately sank hearing Taeha's score,indeed its high for a hard subject.Anyway,the way people compliment her for scoring high is making me feel small.

Just why cant I born smart?I wanted to beat all of my friends thats in my group of friends.But they are just to smart.Even though how hard I studied,they somehow are just way smarter than me.

"Class dismissed,the next upcoming test is on next month please be prepare"Mrs Shin said letting us go for break period.

Min,Taeha,Yeeun and I sit in our table not minding to go to cafeteria since we want to have the classroom for only us.

"Hyerim its okay,theres another chance.The upcoming test in on next week plus theres many subject thats having the monthly test dont overthink too much okay?"Yeeun said the moment she saw my mood swing.

"Yeah I heard we are going to have our Maths monthly test in a few weeks,maybe you can started to revise and beat the three of us"Min joke but I know thats true,I know I cant beat them even though if I study earlier than them.

I smiled bitterly at them.Is it weird if I say that Im not comfortable right now.Why?its because Im friending with the three girls who's scoring well in every exercises,tests nor exams.Meanwhile me,Im just the average or the low in the class.

"Thank god your boyfriend just came"Taeha said wiping her non existence sweat as soon as the classroom door opened revealing Jisung with chips in his hands walking towards us along Felix and Seungmin.

"So how did it go??"Jisung asked taking a sit next to me while turning my face to faced him.I just sigh and pouted at him making him frown.

"Even worse,I studied yesterday and the day before.We studied together for almost 6 hours.I got 74%"I whine at Jisung.

"At least its still in constant right?but you studied hard yesterday along with them and me ofcourse"He said proudly making me frown again.

"Okay okay dont stressed out okay?"He continue to said making me eat the chips in his hands.

"Just why do you always stressed out everytime nor everyday Hyerim?"Felix asked making the group quiet a bit.

"I just——I dont know,it came naturally.I dont even know how"I said shrugging his questions off because Im embarrassed to tell him the actual reason.

Its because I want to be at least in the same levels like my friends and I want to make my parents proud at me

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