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Joo Hyerim

"Just look at this baby tsk"I click my tongue looking at the person infront of me sleeping on his hands covering his face.His cheeks are seriously squishing the hell out of him making him looks super duper cute.

"Pst Jisung wake up~~"I whispered shaking Jisung up until he woke up.Jisung look at me and push his hair back straightening them.The duality of this dork, he looks so hot at the moment oh my god.

"What are you doing here?"He asked me but theres a slight change in his tone.They are not the loving one but instead its a cold one.Wait whats wrong with him.

"I came to see you since Seungmin told me you fell asleep during the whole lesson"I said packing his pencil case up just not to be awkward since he's not in the mood today."What are you doing?"He asked and I just shrug him off putting his pencil case into his bag and zip them afterwards.

"About your confession..."I said awkwardly as a tint of red appear on my cheeks.I nimble my fingers nervously as Jisung just sigh loudly almost punching the wall next to him but refrain himself not to do so.

"I know I'm going to be rejected,its fine you have Seungmin now and Im happy that you found the love of your life and your first boyfriend.Like they say if your happy Im also happy"He said making me shocked.I cant help myself but laugh lightly with him staring at me weirdly.Is he that jealous.

"Why are you laughing ?this isnt funny Hyerim"Jisung said pouting while crossing his arm.What a baby ugh the urge of wanting to hug him and just squish his adorable cheeks.

"I d-dont like Seungmin Jisung!I reject him for you"I said laughing and look at away after I say the last sentence.Im so embarrassed right now, all I want to do is to run away from this scene.

"You reject him for me?"Jisung asked quickly walk towards me and hold my hand.I nodded my head and smile at him.Although my eyes kept on facing the floor I force myself to look at him and try my best not to cringe.

"So...will you be my text to my books?"He asked making me wanted to scream at his face for making weird and lame pick up lines."Sure I'll be your text to your books"I said and we hug each other.This might be cringe but the cringe is worth it.I dont want to be stress all the time.

"Dont be stress okay?if your studying then theres me ,we can go on a lots of study dates.I dont care if we dont have a proper one.At least if Im studying with you I can take care of you so your not over studying okay?"He said and just snuggle closer to him.

"Thanks Jisung for being with me all this time"I said smiling.

Not the end

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