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Joo Hyerim

"Number 12 again?!You do know your smart Hyerim!But your wasting your time playing your phone instead of studying!"My mom yelled at me again during breakfast.I stared at my plate ,eating my breakfast quickly before she can attack me more with her stingy words.

"Why arent you answering me?"She asked standing beside me holding my now-clean plate with her arms crossing and her foot tapping on the floor, you know like Cinderella's mom but this time its my mom.

"I studied okay"I said looking into her eyes seeing flames burning in her eyes sending holes into mine.Its obvious that she's still mad at me because of yesterday report.She cant blame me that the exam is hard.

"Are you talking back now?!"My mom said ,I uttered in disbelief and sigh loudly before  grabbing my bag and walked to the door walking my way to school.Before this my parents used to dropped me off school but since they kept on attacking with studies or exams marks in the car I decided to just walk my way to school.

First she's asking me to answer her ,when I answered her she said that Im talking back to her this is so upsetting me and also unbelievable.Why is this so asian mom ugh.

On my way to school I saw Jisung with Seungmin one of his friends thats always with him.Both of them have a good personalities and its always fun being around them although Im somehow awkward being with Seungmin but there's always time where we click it off.

"Jisung!"I yelled his name making him and Seungmin look at me.Seungmin wave at me and I did the same making the side of his lip turns upwards.He's a cutie you cant fight me on this.

"Oh Hyerim hye"Jisung and Seungmin said at the same time before looking at each other,I swear to cheetos that they glared at each other but nevermind, they always fight on the dumbest stuff ever and their reasons are somehow non-logical.

"Hi Seungminnie anyway can I take Jisung for the morning?"I said as I cling my arm with Jisung's.Seungmin just eyed our arm and nodded slowly before walking away to his locker probably taking his books for his next lesson.

"Hey...."I trailed slowly looking at the floor ,Jisung tilted his head at me and suddenly sling his arm around my shoulder unhooking our arm making me surprised by the action but I soon play it cool since this always happened between us.

"Do you want to tell me?I know that look in your eyes Hyerim"Jisung said and I just sigh again for the nth time today.The tears are forming again.Why do I love to cry so much?stressed?maybe.Im soft like my heart is just to soft.I dont like to anger myself but in the end I did it again.

"My mom is not satisfied with my record,she thought Im playing with my phone during the exams week when Im not.I studied okay.I studied hard ,she's just assuming things"I said bitting my lips.

"Im sorry to hear that Hyerim but dont you think your mom is too strict on you?she's always mad at you for not scoring well in exams how about her?why cant she be mad at herself for treating her own child like this?"Jisung asked cupping my face making my cheeks squished around his hand.

"Dont cry,your not pretty if your crying"He said wiping my tears away using his thumb.Oh woah didnt know this looks toO romantic yeet.His choice of words flattered me if Im being honest.

"Wow Im flattered HA-HA-HA"I said faking my laugh making him smile.Welp atleast thats just another way to let my problem solve faking a smile faking a laugh and faking almost everything our life just so we can keep our problems to ourselves.

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