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Joo Hyerim

"See? your being stress again"Jisung said scolding me as he cleans up my blood holding a tissue for my nose.Im acting like a five years old who cant even clean myself well.

"No Im not,Im not stressing about that Eunjin girl"I said rolling my eyes while holding Jisung's hands thats holding the tissue on my nose.My frown is noticeable making him chuckle and flick my forehead making me groan at him while sending him glares.

"Stress doesnt mean your stress during studies,you can also be stress during fights Hyerim"He said and I just gave him my infamous awkward laugh.Eunjin has always testing my limit and today I just let all of my feelings out.

"Im sorry Jisung.."I said tugging his sleeve doing some innocent act making him doing the 'I told you' face.

"But what you did was true though.Eunjin is acting like a brat this year,she doesnt even have respect when she's talking to the teacher."Jisung said and I just nod.Its the truth ofcourse Im oroud of it, well just a little proud.

"And clean"Jisung then said throwing the tissue to the trash and bring wet wipes with him.

He took one wet tissue out and wipes my the inside and outside my nose,cleaning them so I will not get infection.He even clean the place thats unnoticeable carefully.I swear his caring personalities is making me want to punch him right in the face.

All of a sudden the clinic's door open revealing Seungmin with a can of sprite in his hands walking towards us.

"How are you feeling Hyerim?"Seungmin asked and I just do a thumbs up at him while smiling since Im not rude and I dont want to look like one.Turns out Seungmin told us the news about me getting mad at Eunjin is spreading like wildfires but the teacher did not plan on doing anything about it since they are lazy.

"My nose just bleed Seungmin its not like I just involve in an accident or something this precious body is still alive my soul havent leave me yet"I said rolling my eyes at the dramatic boy.

"Oh this is for you~"He said back noticing that he's holding the drink in his hand before handing it towards me.I took it and place it on my lap already planning to drink it at home.

"Aww thank you Seungmin"I said back making Jisung scoff.I just eyed him weirdly before pulling his ear playfully.We are always like this some students mistaken us a couple but some just say that we are just being too friendly with each other but I just shrug it off.

"Okay that hurts Hyerim, Im not a doll"He exclaimed and pull my hand making me fall beside him on the bed inside the clinic.My heart just skipped a beat again,fasting the pace of it beats as blood rush to my face without me noticing.The both of us straighten our posture and I fake cough since its getting awkward right now.

I didnt know Seungmin was eyeing us from outside all the time until I saw him looking at us in a hurt expression.

i dont know whats wrong with my grammar these days yikes im starting to become stupid

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