A story I wrote as a kid

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I don't know how old I was when I wrote this, there's no date, but I had to have been younger than 10.

Also, I'm keeping in spelling mistakes and bad capitalizing because they're hilarious. Everything written below is what I actuality wrote.

Just a story

when I woke up I Didn't feel well. my head was hot and my brain didn't want to go so I just Laid there in my bed. my mom call the Doctor and he said, I will come over. when he got here he said I had chike pox. my mom didn't wan't to come into my bedroom becus she thawt the sichness wood spred. so a few min Later I puked up a cat! my mom said that thats what they had for dinner I felt better after.


That ending, amiright? Cat for dinner.

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