Life's choices

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Living and existing are two different paths of life. To be alive, breathing, seeing, feeling, or to merely exist.

Phil Lester was living.

Everyday was an adventure. An opportunity. What would he do that day? Who would he meet? What would he discover? He met each day with a smile and a soul filled with delight. Unexplored ideas and sensations called to him, wrapped its arms around his heart gently. He went wherever it led him, his mind and body free. There was nothing to tie him down or keep him captive. Anything that happened was good. All was well.

Dan Howell was merely existing.

Everyday was a burden. No, even less than that. It was simply a mark on the calendar. Another box checked, quota filled. He moved not of his own, but by routine that pulled him. Whatever life threw at him, he accepted by instinct. He didn't manage anything, just allowed it to happen. Every sunrise was another day he had to survive. Not because he wanted to, but because he was expected to. He was chained to life by his own existence. Everything was gray.

When you've been dancing in the light, you know not the existence of darkness. When you've been trapped in darkness, you can't help but want to kill the light.

Are you alive and truly living, or alive yet already dying?

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