Chapter 5: Yesterday

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"It's gotta be around here somewhere," Ellen said helping Patrick try to find his phone. "It's not in here, Jillian is going to be pissed," Patrick said frantically. "," Ellen said coming to a realization. "What?" Patrick asked looking over at Ellen. "Do you think you left it at the cliff?" Ellen asked. "Damnit, I bet I did. I'm going to have to go there I guess." Patrick said now sitting on the couch. Ellen walked over and stood in front of him. "I can go with you," Ellen said smiling down at Patrick who had looked up at her beautiful smile. "Thanks, but what about Chris?" Patrick said gazing into her eyes. "He's probably off screwing someone at a nightclub. He probably didn't even notice that we were gone yesterday." Ellen said sarcastically. "Okay, but I'm driving you tonight," Patrick said standing up by Ellen. "Grab your things and let's go," Patrick said staring into Ellen's sky blue eyes. "Okay Paddy," Ellen said biting her lip.

Patrick and Ellen had just left the set and were on their way to the rocky cliff over the ocean. Ellen had reclined the seat of Patrick's Porsche. "Your car is very comfortable. Maybe I should get one of my own." Ellen said smiling over at Patrick. "Is that so?" Patrick said as he made eye contact with Ellen. Patrick had his arm laying on the armrest in between the driver and passenger seat. "Oops...sorry," Ellen said as she accidentally hit his arm with her elbow. "It's okay," Patrick said looking over at her. Patrick placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. Ellen smiled over to him but his eyes were focused on the road, it was very curvy before you got to the turn to go to the overhang.

"I'll go look for it," Patrick said to Ellen as he parked his Porsche and opened his door. "Okay, but may I walk with you. I want to look at the view, tonight's a full moon." Ellen said smiling over at Patrick. "Sure, you don't have to ask me. I'm not your dad." Patrick said jokingly, Ellen laughed at his joke as she stepped out of the vehicle. They walked beside each other to where they had slept the night before. "There it is," Ellen said pointing at his phone on the ground. "Thanks, El," Patrick said picking up his phone, he read the screen as her name flashed across the screen. "Oh no, Jillian is calling. Should I answer?" Patrick asked looking at Ellen. "Yes! You can't just ignore her." Ellen answered sternly. "Okay, Hello?" Patrick said as he answered his flip phone. "Where the hell have you been?!" Jillian yelled on the other line. "I'll explain when I get home, honey," Patrick said trying to calm her. "Oh you better, I have been worried sick!" Jillian said in a slightly more calm tone. "I have a perfectly good explanation. Love you, bye." Patrick said as he closed his phone. "Well...that went as expected," Patrick said looking at Ellen. "We should get going," Ellen said grabbing Patrick's arm. "Yes we should," Patrick replied as he locked arms with her.

"I had fun," Ellen said as they parked on set, she had a big smile on her face. "I did too," Patrick said smiling in response. "Let me get your door," Patrick said stepping out of the car and walking around to Ellen's side. "Thank you," Ellen said as Patrick opened the door. "Your welcome, anything for a beautiful and kind lady like yourself," Patrick said smiling at Ellen, she bit her lip and smiled at him. "Oh shut up," Ellen said trying to hide her feelings, but as they locked eyes El couldn't help herself. She put her hands on her cheeks and gave him a quick peck on his lips, Patrick put his hands on her waist as she did so. "Goodnight Mr. Dempsey." She said as she opened her car door and sat down in the driver's seat. The seduction in her voice made Patrick's whole body tingle. "Goodnight," Patrick said slightly blushed. He had not expected the kiss but she had left him wanting more, much more.

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