Chapter 8: I Want You

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Patrick woke up to the sound of his phone ringing, he immediately turned his volume down and stepped outside the room trying not to wake Ellen. "Hello, Jillian." He said and waited for her reply. "Hey, I heard what happened to Ellen. Is she okay?" Jillian asked with sympathy in her voice, which was odd considering Patrick and her were on bad terms. "She's sleeping or I would ask how she's feeling, but earlier she was already feeling a bit better. She said that she had a headache and that she was tired, so she went to sleep." Patrick answered softly and calmly. "That's good, when will you be home?" Jillian responded still keeping her tone calm. "I'm not sure, is it okay if I stay with her?" He asked as if he needed her approval even though he was a grown man. He just didn't feel like pissing Jillian off, he wasn't in the mood to argue. "Get someone else to stay with her, I want you home." She said as if she was his mother. "No one else can stay with her. Her family lives all the way in Boston and all of our friends are shooting all week. You know what," he paused gathering the courage to stand up for himself. "I'm going to stay here with her, I don't need your approval for everything. I'm a grown ass man. Goodbye Jillian." He said as he ended the call not letting her get in a final word. It felt good getting in the last word, it wasn't something he was used to with his argumentative wife.

Patrick walked back into Ellen's room and sat by her bedside, her eyes began to flutter as she stirred and opened her eyes slowly. Patrick was looking at his phone reading his text messages so hi didn't notice. "Hey, Patrick." She said softly, her eyes now fully opened. Patrick looked at her and smiled. "Hey." She said softly in a husky voice, his voice gave her chills. She loved his soft husky voice. "How did you sleep?" Patrick asked softly. "Good, I feel much better. I just have a headache. If you couldn't tell, Chris and I are over. That's how this all started, I was kicking him out of my house and he was pissed." Ellen said looking into Patrick's ocean blue eyes, she could get lost in them forever. "I figured, no normal argument leads to someone getting a glass thrown at them. Plus, I think Jill and I have had enough. At least I think so." Patrick said and stroked her hair trying to comfort her, she had teared up. "I-I'm sorry that I got you tangled into this." She said as a single tear ran down her face. He wiped it away gently with his thumb, as he finished wiping it away she grabbed his hand and squeezed it. "Thank you for being here for me, I really appreciate it. I-I'm alone." She said as it hit her, she was free. She was happy she was free. "El, it's nothing. I will be here for you whenever you need me." He said as he squeezed her hand and smiled lightly, she smiled back and it was like their eyes where sparkling together, completely in sink.

"Lay with me, please Paddy." She knew that he couldn't say no if she said his nickname, it was his kryptonite. "Whatever you want Ellie." He said as he climbed into the bed with her. They laid facing each other, Patrick swept the hair out of her face, it made her smile brightly. At that moment all she wanted him to do was hold her. He couldn't though, Jillian would suspect something because his actions and emotions would make her suspect the worse, as they always did.

"Crap, we were supposed to have an interview today," Ellen said as she remembered about work and all that she was missing. "It's okay, they'll understand. You just need to heal." Patrick answered as he propped his head up with his arm looking down at her. "But," Patrick cut her off and placed a finger across her lips. "No, no buts unless you're showing yours." He said jokingly, Ellen swatted his arm. "Patrick!" She said laughing lightly. "What?! It's the truth, don't you like truthful people?" He said jokingly giggling at her as she giggled. "I do like truthful people, but you're too blatant!" She said still giggling at him. "I didn't know you could be too honest." He said looking into her eyes, they seemed to put him into a trance. "I can't even with you right now!" She said as she turned away from him. "I can even with you right now." He said as he rolled her over to face him. "No." She said as she rolled over again. "Yes," Patrick said as she rolled him over once again, this time Ellen reacted in a way that Patrick didn't expect, a way that even she didn't expect. She kissed him, she did it with passion. He kissed her back, this is what they both wanted, both needed, someone who actually cared for them. They wanted each other, needed each other. "El, I have to do something," Patrick said pulling away from their kiss. "I'll be back." He said as he placed his hand on hers. He headed towards the door and left the hospital, he was ending it with Jill.

Patrick opened the door and walked into his house. "Jill!" He yelled once, she would usually answer him. "Jillian?" He yelled again as he headed up the stairs to their room. "Jill?" He called once again. He opened his door horrified by the sight, there she was, with another man. Naked in his bed, he played it calm. "Well, what a pleasant surprise. Who do we have here Jillian?" He asked sarcastically. "I can explain!" Jillian lied as she kicked the black haired white guy out of their bed. She had no excuse, she had cheated on him. "I'm sure you can but I'll explain to you what's going to happen. We are over, you can have the house, or not. It doesn't matter. I'm taking some of my clothes and this man is going to leave this house. I'll find a place to stay and take my stuff with me. We are both going to sign the divorce papers, I'll get them tomorrow. I've seen this coming for a while with all of the arguing but this isn't how I expected it." Patrick explained calmly with bitterness in his tone. "We're over? We're really over?" Jillian asked tears in her eyes. "Yes, this is the end," Patrick answered. He ran downstairs and the man that Jill had sex with left as he grabbed his awards and a trash bag to throw his clothes in. He also grabbed a box and put his awards in them. He then ran upstairs and threw his clothes in his bag. As simple as that, he left. He left with his belongings and headed back to the hospital to tell Ellen about what had just occurred.

Patrick walked into Ellens room, coffee in hand. "Hey, I missed you. You took forever." Ellen said jokingly. "Ah, come on. I wasn't gone for an hour!" Patrick replied jokingly. "What did you do?" She asked. "I split up with Jill," Patrick replied calmly. "Woah," Ellen said surprised. "She was in our bed, naked, with another man," Patrick said hesitantly, the words burned his tongue. "Woah!" Ellen exclaimed. "I knew you two weren't on the best terms but wow. I mean I expected it from Chris but you two are married!" She said. "Yeah, it's okay though. I was going to end it anyways but in a way this made it easier, she didn't even argue. She sat there like a sad puppy." Patrick explained. "Well, at least you didn't get a glass thrown at you," Ellen said jokingly laughing, it wasn't that funny to Patrick because he felt bad about the whole ordeal. He fake laughed anyways. "All of this before noon, wow." She said all of it becoming very overwhelming. "Yeah," Patrick replied. "Coffee?" He asked as he tried changing the subject. "Sure, Thanks." She said as she took the coffee from his hand. She sipped her coffee and Patrick sat beside her him to drinking his coffee. They pondered about what would happen in the near future, what would happen to their relationship. Patrick wondered about where he would stay. As their minds drifted and as they finished their coffee. They sat together, Ellen's head resting on Patrick's shoulder. It was almost as if everything was how it should be, calm, warm, perfect...



1,400+ words, whaaaaaat. I spent about an hour and a half on this chapter so I hope you enjoy! I had a lot of inspiration so this chapter flowed fairly easily. Should I continue longer parts? Anyways I can improve? Leave feedback in the comments! 😊❤️

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