Chapter 11: Change of Heart

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Patrick and Ellen walked into their trailer during lunch break. "So, you wanna talk about this El?" Patrick asked looking to Ellen as he took a bite of his sandwich. "What? Oh, the sex. Yeah, I thought about it a little already." Ellen said as she ate her fries. "What do you think?" Patrick asked. "I think we are being completely ridiculous, we are co-workers and friends. I can't come up with anyway this could end out good. " Ellen answered looking up to Patrick, they were sitting face to face at the table in their small trailer. "I can come up with multiple ways this could end out good," Patrick replied, smirking. "Oh yeah, explain some of your least far-fetched answers," Ellen asked sarcastically. "Well, we could end out married with 7 kids. But that's a bit far fetched. We could continue being sex friends, a heated relationship, maybe even date." Patrick answered, his first reply jokingly. "Now think of all of the terrible ways those could end," Ellen said. "Divorce, heartbreak, betrayal, but you can't focus on all of that El. You have to live in the present. Not the future or the past, the now. Plus, I would never see myself doing any of those things to you." Patrick answered, his last sentence in a sweet calming voice. Ellen blushed, his last words touching her heart. "I guess your right," Ellen replied, it took someone with a great heart for Ellen to trust and agree with them. She was stubborn, hardheaded. They finished their lunch in silence before having to head back into the set. They only had one more scene to film before they were caught up with everyone else.

Patrick walked up to Ellen as they filmed the scene. "I, um, know this place where there's an amazing view of sunrise over the ferryboats." Ellen said pulling a bottle of wine out of a brown bag as they stood in the rain sprinkler, Ellen's hair damp from the water along with Patrick's. "l have a thing for ferryboats." Patrick answered smiling. "I remember," Ellen answered returning the smile. They both sat down in the set car. "And scene!" The director exclaimed. "That's a wrap for tonight, thanks for getting caught up guys." Shonda thanked Ellen and Patrick for finishing up the scenes they missed. "Welcome." They replied at the same time.

"Dating." Ellen said as she put on her coat, they were in the trailer. "What?" Patrick asked confused. "We should try dating. Like normal people. Go out and eat every weekend, go to sporting events, maybe even the movies." Ellen replied as she looked over to Patrick who was sitting on there couch. "Dating. Yes, we should do that." Patrick said smiling at Ellen who was in a button-up blouse and tight fitted jeans. "We should set boundaries when we get home," Ellen said as she stood in front of him. "As long as the rules don't state that we can't have sex I'm in," Patrick said smirking as he stood up quickly and kissed her. He picked her up and spun her as they kissed. He sat her down and she giggled. "Home?" Ellen asked smiling and blushing. "Home," Patrick said as he held out his hand. She took his hand and left to her house.

"What's for dinner later tonight?" Patrick asked Ellen with a smile on his face as they walked into the front door of Ellen's house. "Boundaries, we need to talk about boundaries before dinner." She replied, hanging up her coat. "Okay, let's sit down first." He answered they sat down on the living room couch together. "No kissing out in public, ESPECIALLY when we are on set," Ellen emphasized on especially. "Okay, so no kissing. May I ask why not?" Patrick asked he wanted their relationship to be in the open. "Don't be dense Patrick. We both just split up our previous relationships. People could think that we had an affair and that we are the reason they ended. We can't have all of that controversy while the show is just starting. The first 2 episodes are out and it's already taking off." Ellen answered in a now serious tone. "I understand, but will we go public eventually?" Patrick asked, he truly had feelings for her. It was all new to them, they didn't know completely how to respond to it. "I don't know Patrick. We will just have to see how it all goes." Ellen answered truthfully. "Okay, is hand holding allowed?" Patrick asked. "I-I guess but you better not pull anything Dempsey. I will kill you dead!" She said ending jokingly. "Better not pull anything huh. What about....this!" Patrick pushed Ellen back onto the couch and tickled her profusely. "Patrick! P-Patrick stop!" She said between her loud laughter. He continued to tickle her as he laughed with her. Her laughter was adorable, enough to make an entire room stand in awe. An entire room to laugh with her. At least in Patrick's mind. He loved everything about her. She just didn't know quite yet the extent of her feelings. Sometimes true love takes time.

Patrick and Ellen sat on the couch and watched a show together. They were nuzzled into one another enjoying each other's warmth and security. "So, what's actually for dinner?" Patrick asked as he stroked Ellen's hair. "I don't know, it's like 7 so we have options. I could cook or we could get takeout." Ellen answered. "I have an idea, our first date. We could check it off of our dating to do's." Patrick replied smiling at her, she turned around and smiled back at him. "Good idea, I'll be ready by 8:30." Ellen kisses his cheek then went upstairs to get ready. Patrick did the same.

Ellen walked out of her room, she was ready early but Patrick was still downstairs waiting for her. She walked down the stairs, she was in a mid-length pencil dress that hugged her curves and 3-inch stilettos. Her hair was down and curled, she had light makeup on but she didn't need any more than that. "You look...gorgeous." Patrick was taken back by her beauty. "Thank you, you look rather dashing Mr. Dempsey." She said as she walked down the final step, she picked him on the lips. She had a big smile across her face. "Should we get going?" Ellen asked as she linked arms with Patrick. "Wait, I got something for you," Patrick said as he pulled a box out of his back pocket. While she was getting ready he had gone out and got her a necklace. Ellen took it and opened the box. "Wow Patrick, it's so pretty. Will you help put it on for me?" Ellen asked as she smiled brightly. The necklace was simple yet elegant. It was an infinity sign made out of diamonds on a silver chain. Ellen turned around and held up her hair as Patrick clasped the necklace around her neck. As she laid her hair back down Patrick kissed her neck from behind, holding her waist. Her hands resting on top of his. "I have something else for you," Patrick said as he stopped kissing her. Patrick handed her a bouquet of white and red roses. "Aww, thank you, Paddy." She said as she took the flowers and pulled Patrick in for a hug. "Let's get going El," Patrick said as he pulled away from the hug smiling. "Let's go," Ellen answered. 


Hey, I know this is a pretty shitty chapter. (My apologies.) I'm suffering from a bit of a writer's block so I will try to post another chapter tomorrow. I also just wanted to say tygsm for over 250 reads! Ilygsm and thank you for reading. Don't forget that you can leave comments and feedback in the comments or privately! ❤️


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