Chapter 18: Hold On

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Patrick's POV:

"Ellie, are you okay?! I've been worried sick about you.." I said, sighing into the phone. "Okay might not be the best way to put it. Maybe you should come to see her yourself?" A voice that I had never heard before echoed through the phone before I heard the sound of the call ending. My heart immediately fell to the floor when I realized that she indeed wasn't okay. I called the police to tell them that I had gotten a call from Ellen's phone. The police pinged the cell tower to find where Ellen's phone was located. 

The police finally found where the call had been made, it was in the middle of nowhere about 30 miles from the set. They told me that they would send out a team to go find her. The downside was that I was not kin so, therefore, I couldn't go with them. 

Writer's POV:

It was a few hours before the investigation came to a horrific end. The police found Ellen, lying lifeless at the bottom of the basement steps. "She has a pulse and she is breathing but it's weak and thready!" An officer yelled after taking her pulse and listening to her breathing. She was there, drenched in her own blood and beaten half to death. They took her to the hospital and hoped for the best.

Patrick's POV:

I sat in the waiting room that I had already been in before, but everything was different. Not only did I have a few Grey's fans attacking me, but I also had no brief idea of how Ellen was doing. The show was finally becoming more popular and its following was growing tremendously. Although the love and support were greatly appreciated, it really wasn't the time. A few more minutes passed before the fans went on their way and a nurse approached me, she looked terrified and slightly intimidated by my presence. I guess she wasn't used to seeing celebrity's in her ER waiting room.

", Mr. Dempsey. If you're ready you can come to see her now. I can go through the extent of her injuries if you would like first or I can go through them later." The kind nurse added. "Please just tell me now, I want to be prepared.." I answered letting out a sigh. "She has a broken clavicle and 2 broken ribs, a concussion, a minor brain bleed, but that should resolve on its own, she has many bruises, lacerations, and a couple of other marks. She should be fully recovered in a few weeks. Oh, and um...she can't have any...intercourse for 2 weeks.." The lady answered. I pulled a fake smile and nodded before she took me to he room.

My breath was taken away at the sight. She looked so damaged, broken. Helpless, brought a deep sadness in Patrick's heart. The nurse left so it was just us. I sat beside her resting body and took her small, dainty hand into mine. I looked down and as a tear fell down my cheek I felt a small squeeze. I looked up and found her eyes in mine. "Ellie, I'm-" I was cut off by the sound of her voice. "Patrick, I know you're sorry. I know that you wished that you were there to save me, but you weren't. You left. You broke up with me. You left the trailer and as soon as you did it was over. I don't need you here, I can heal by myself. I don't need another man to use me as you said. You only like the idea of me. You used me and now 3 other men have too. So I don't want to hear your god damn apology! So get the hell out of my room and go home. Tell Shonda that I'll be fine and that I'll be back to work as soon as possible." She said in rage. I was heartbroken, all I was trying to do was protect her. I didn't break up with her because I didn't love her, I did it because I did. I loved her with every essence of my being, I loved her so much that words couldn't compare. "El, I-" She cut me off again. "Save it, Patrick. I'm not your El, or your Ellie anymore. So get your sorry ass out of my room before I call security!" She interrupted. I left as she said with my shoulders hung low. She was broken, I was broken. We broke each other.

Writer's POV: 

Ellen had been in the hospital for a week and hadn't contacted anyone except for Shonda. She was allowed to go home today and she didn't know where to go. Her old house was already up on the market and Patrick was no longer hers. She finally came to the decision that she would have to stay in the trailer. Even if she did that she would still have to go get her stuff from Patrick's old house. He hadn't put his on the market yet because her stuff was still in it. She still had a key because of their abrupt ending, she wouldn't even have to talk to him.

Ellen's POV:

My taxi dropped me off on set and I drove my car to Patrick's old house. I went up to the bedroom that we once shared. I reminisced about us, his skin on mine, his scent, his warmth. I was quickly snapped out of my daydream by the sound of the door opening. I turned around afraid that it might be Chris or one of his bastard friends. To my surprise I found myself looking into his dreamy blue ocean eyes. "Oh, Ellen, I'm sorry. The motion sensors went off and I was just coming to make sure no one was here to rob my tiles or my bed covers." He said jokingly. I couldn't help but giggle at his joke regarding the fact that almost all of his stuff had been moved out of the house. "I was just coming to get my stuff, I'll be out of your hair in a few minutes," I answered. I found myself looking at his raven curls for a little too long before quickly turning back to continue packing. "Well, uh...goodbye, Ellen." He said. "Goodbye, Patrick," I replied. I watched as he left the room, this was the ending. Our ending, our relationship was over. 

I returned to set and brought my stuff into the trailer. I organized all of my stuff and came across a blue cotton t-shirt. It was Patrick's. I folded it and hid it away in my drawer. It radiated his delightful scent. I couldn't think about Patrick for one more second. He didn't love me...right?

I was settling down after finally finishing getting everything set up in my trailer. I was sitting on the couch and watching TV when I heard my phone go off, it was Sandra. The text read, "Hey El, I know that you might not be up to it but I was wondering if you wanted to hang out? Maybe have a girls night. Order pizza, drink tequila, dance in our underwear. Just have a good ol' time with the two of us." I quickly responded with, "Sounds great!! I'm currently staying at the trailer until I can find a new place to stay. We could stay here or hang at your place, it's up to you." "We could hang out at the trailer tonight, kinda like a housewarming party. Minus the house, or the gifts. Okay, maybe it's not like a housewarming party. Maybe, it's more like, 'My boyfriend dumped me and I have a crazy ex-boyfriend' party. I'm sorry if that was too far, but you know what I mean. I'll be over in 30. Order the pizza, I don't care what's on it just no sardines. Those things are fucking disgusting. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A GOOD MOVIE TO WATCH READY AND SOME GOOD TUNES!! See ya' soon." She replied. "Will do!" I simply replied. Maybe a girls night is exactly what I needed to recover.     

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