Chapter 16: Stone Cold

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This chapter deals with really touchy and controversial subjects and if you can't handle things like assault/sexual abuse I suggest you don't read any further. ❤️


Writers POV:

Ellen and Patrick awoke to the sound of a loud bang on the door. "What the hell?!" Ellen said waking up aggravated. "I'll go see who it is. Stay here, El." Patrick said standing up to go downstairs. "Okay, Paddy." She answered rubbing her eyes.

Patrick opened the door and saw that no one was there. Instead, he was greeted by a tiny white envelope laid on the doormat. He picked it up and opened it. Inside was a little letter and a photograph. Patrick removed the letter first. It read, "To Patrick, You two better end it or I'll send it to the press. I'll tell everyone about your 'possible affair'. You know, the one that could've ruined your marriage? Oh, and you might wanna do it for the sake of Ellen. You wouldn't want her hurt, would you?" Patrick pulled out a photograph of him and Ellen kissing in the ocean. Patrick let out a huff in aggravation and anxiety. Why is this happening? All they wanted to do was be together and happy, but instead they get this? This couldn't be happening. Yet, it was.

"Who was it?" Ellen asked as Patrick closed the front door. "Uh, no one. It's just a letter a fan left for me." He said lying. "Oh, okay. Do you want breakfast before we head to the set?" She asked. "I'm good Ellie, just some coffee, please. You know how I like it." He answered winking over at her. She blushed and giggled then began making their coffee.

It was lunchtime already at work when Patrick and Ellen bumped into each other in their trailer. Patrick's thoughts had been racing all day and there was only one answer. He wanted what was best for Ellen and he certainly didn't want her hurt. He had to do it, he had to be a complete jackass just to protect her. He loved her and this was the only solution. "Hey, Paddy. I've missed you today." Ellen said kissing his stubbly cheek. They hadn't seen each other since earlier in the morning. All of their scenes were apart. "Ellen, we need to talk," Patrick said, his tone serious. Her heart dropped to the floor in fear of what he might say or do. "Oh, okay. What's wrong?" She asked hesitantly. "This just isn't working out. I thought I loved you but I think it's just the idea of you that I love. The whole 'two soulmate co-stars' idea." He said, feeling his heart shatter. "Paddy-" she said as he began to cut her off. "It's over Ellen. I'm breaking up with you. The paperwork for the house finalized this morning so I will be staying there. I'll take my stuff out of your house today. Actually, I'll do it right now. Goodbye, Ellen." He said trying to get it over with as quick as possible. Then it hit her, it all really was moving too fast. She was right and she hated it.

As soon as she heard the door close Ellen felt her knees weaken. She fell to the floor, head in hands, and she began to cry.

Ellen's POV:

Damnit! Damnit! Damnit! I was right and sometimes it hurts being right. This was the worst heartbreak I've ever experienced. I really thought he loved me. I love him, loved him I guess is what I should say now.

I was startled back up onto my feet when I heard a loud knock on the trailer door. I wiped off my smeared mascara and opened the door when I found myself looking into the deep dark eyes of a familiar face. A face that I hoped I would never have to see again. Chris. How the hell did he get onto the set? He should be in jail yet, he was standing directly in front of me. He rushed into the trailer with one hand covering my mouth and the other holding a knife to my throat. "You make a sound and I swear to god I will kill you right here, right now," Chris said still trapping me. I simply nodded as a single tear fell down my face. I had already lost one thing today and you better believe I wasn't going to lose my life. At least not without putting up a fight.

I woke up in a place I've never seen before. In someone's basement. Then, I heard footsteps crawling down the stairs. My arms and legs were tied up so that I couldn't move. Before I knew it my eyes were locked onto that same person, with that same face, and those same eyes. "Feel free to scream. No one will hear for miles except for us." Chris said after I let out a scream. Us? I asked myself. My thoughts were soon answered as I saw two other black men approach me from the darkness. One was tall and skinny, the other was average height and a little on the fat side. They were Chris's friends. They were my friends, at least I thought they were.

Writers POV:

"Do what you please guys. I'll be upstairs. I'll do what I want to later. Have fun." Chris said. Why was this happening if Patrick followed what Chris said? It was all in Chris's plan, he was going to get her either way. It was revenge.

The fat guy picked up Ellen and laid her on an old mattress. Ellen was still in scrubs from the set, they removed all of her clothing along with their own. They were gonna do what they please, they were going to rape her.

They were not gentle or sweet with her at all. They were rough and mean, nothing like Patrick. Patrick whispered sweet things into her ear and complimented her. Instead, they slapped her and pulled her hair if she didn't do exactly what they said or perform exactly how they wanted. She obeyed them and began to cry. She cried out for him. She cried out Patrick's name until she knew that he couldn't save her. No one could. She was all alone...and this, this was torture.     

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