Chapter 12: Piece of Me

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Ellen and Patrick just arrived at the four-star restaurant, it was dimly lit and very romantic. The air was filled with delectable smells from the kitchen. "Wow, how did you find such a great restaurant on such short notice?" Ellen asked as they sat down in their booth that had a beautiful view of the city. "I guess I'm just good like that," Patrick answered smiling. "What would you two like to drink tonight?" The waitress asked. "I will have a glass of red, what would you like El?" He asked her smiling. "I'll have a glass of champagne." She answered she switched up what she usually drank. "Champagne for the lady please." He answered. "Have you decided what you would like to eat?" The waitress asked. "I'll have the salmon with asparagus." She answered. "And I'll have the steak with what it comes with. Thank you." He answered.

"Thank you, Paddy," Ellen said smiling, she was shocked by how good he did getting everything put together so quickly. "Your welcome El, anything for you." He answered. The waitress came by with their food. "Thank you." They both answered. "Is there anything else you two need?" The waitress asked. "I think we are set." He answered Ellen shook her head yes. The waitress walked away and the two of them started eating. "My food is delicious, yours?" Ellen asked. "Mine is great, being here with you makes it even better." He answered smiling. Ellen blushed. "When we finish I want to take you somewhere." He said as he took a bite of his mashed potatoes. "Okay. Where?" She asked. "It's a surprise," Patrick answered, she hated surprises. "Ahh, come on Paddy. Just tell me." She said slightly annoyed but with a smile on her face. "Nope, finish your food and then we'll go," Patrick answered, Ellen, rolled her eyes still smiling.

"Are we almost there?" Ellen asked as Patrick drove down a curvy road. "Almost." He answered smiling over at her, hair flowing in the wind. She was beautiful no matter what she did. Patrick pulled off to a tiny road that stopped in front of a path. "Is this it?" Ellen asked confused. "You'll see, put on some flip-flops. I threw a pair of yours in the back." Patrick answered Ellen took off her heels in exchange for the flip-flops. "Okay, where are we going?" Ellen asked slightly annoyed. "Take my hand," Patrick said as he reached out his arm, Ellen laced their fingers together and started to walk down the path. Eventually, they were on a small beach that was surrounded by trees. They were completely hidden away on their own little beach.

"Wow, how did you find this place, Paddy?" Ellen asked as she looked at the deep ocean in the moonlight. "I found it a year ago, I was just trying to get some space and I found it," Patrick answered taking in Ellen's beauty as her hair flowed in the ocean breeze. "It's beautiful," she replied, turning to him and taking his hand. Ellen pulled Patrick with her to the waters edge smiling. Ellen bent down to pick up a shell from the ground. As she stood back up she was inches away from Patrick's face. She could feel his warm breath against her cheek. Their eyes locked and in a second they found themselves in a deep kiss.

Ellen slowly pulled away from the kiss, looking up into Patrick's deep blue eyes. That was the moment it all settled in for her. "I love you." She said feeling embarrassed afterward. She looked down at the sand and blushed. "Hey," Patrick said lifting up her chin as their eyes met. "I love you too El." He said. At that moment they both smiled, breathing each other in. Ellen hugged Patrick tight like she was trying to make sure he would be hers forever. "Thank you, Paddy. Thank you for this amazing night, thank you for taking care of me. Thank you." She said still in the embrace. " don't need to thank me. That's what you're supposed to do for the person you love." He said as he kissed her forehead. "Paddy?" She said in a questioning tone. "El?" He asked, "Can we go home? I'm tired and I'm starting to get a headache." she asked pulling away from the hug. "Sure, whatever you want Ells." He said smiling at her. Everything was perfect like their life was falling into place.

"Paddy, have you seen the ibuprofen?" Ellen asked they had arrived home a few minutes before. "Uhh, I think it's in your bathroom," Patrick answered. "Thank you," Ellen said as she started up the stairs. Patrick followed, not too far behind.

As Ellen took the ibuprofen, Patrick started to get changed. "You should stay in our bedroom like that more often," Ellen said as she walked out of the bathroom. Patrick had just taken off his pants and shirt. "Our bedroom?" Patrick asked she was getting settled quicker than he expected. "Well, we are dating right?" Ellen asked playfully as she started to unzip her dress. "Will you help unzip me?" Ellen asked, starting to get annoyed by the stubborn zipper. "Whatever you want my lady." He said as he unzipped her dress, revealing her black lacy lingerie. "Wow," Patrick said taken back by her body. "What, ya like what ya see?" She said turning around, revealing her body and her perfect breasts. She was the definition of perfect to Patrick. "Mm, maybe." He said in a playful tone. "I'm all yours Paddy.." Ellen said placing her had on Patrick's chest, biting her bottom lip. Patrick picked her up by her waist and laid her on the bed. It was going to be a fun night.


Hey guys! I know this is a shitty chapter and it's short, but I felt like I really needed to publish something. I'm sorry for the long wait, I just really haven't had any inspiration for writing, but I've been editing a lot! If you are interested in different content by me you can follow my edit acc on insta! It's @/skys.aep! Ilygsm and I hope you all understand. I hope to be back on a regular posting schedule soon! (Also I'm sorry for any typos or anything like that. I'll go check for them later, but rn I'm really tired and don't feel like checking soooooo.) ❤️


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