Chapter 24: Lovely

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Ellen's POV:

I woke up still nuzzled up to Patrick. He was watching television and playing with my hair so I figured he hadn't fallen back asleep. I checked the clock and it said 9:30. "How was your nap?" He asked as he looked down into my eyes. He placed a quick kiss on my forehead. "Good, you really wore me out," I answered giggling. Patrick simply smiled and kissed me again, this time on the lips. "Where are those clothes you were talking about?" I asked. "Oh, they're in the laundry room. I'll go get them," He answered smiling as he brushed my hair out of my face and slipped out from behind me. I caught a quick glimpse of his bare ass as he walked away.

A few minutes later Patrick walked back in with my clothes. He had dressed too. "Thank you," I said as I took the clothes from his hand. "You're welcome beautiful," He replied sitting back down the bed. He planted a quick kiss on my shoulder before I slipped on my bra and t-shirt. I stood up and put on my underwear and pants. "What do you want to do before we have to leave?" I asked Patrick as I pulled out the hair that was tucked under my shirt and sat down on the bed. "Dry hump and make out like teenagers. Oh, or eat lunch. Or both," He replied with a big smirk across his face. I giggled and sat on top of him with my legs by both sides of him. I placed a wet and sloppy kiss on his lips before I traveled kisses down his neck. I ran my fingers through his hair as I did so. Patrick gently pulled my head from his neck and kissed me passionately gently sliding his tongue across mine. He lightly groaned in my mouth as I began to feel his manhood grow beneath me.

I continued to kiss him as he began to slide his hands across my body. He gently squeezed my ass and my breasts as he became rock hard underneath me. I pulled away from my lips and smirked. "I'm going to go get ready. Leave you wanting more and such," I said winking as I hopped off of Patrick's lap. "Ahh come on," He said almost in agony. "I guess you'll have to take care of that yourself," I said seductively as my eyes flicked from his boner back to his face. "Damnit, Pompeo. You're such a tease," he replied. I simply winked and walked out into the hallway.

I went downstairs to grab my purse which had my eyeliner and mascara in it. I walked into the downstairs bathroom and applied the tiny bit of makeup. I went back upstairs when I realized that I didn't have a hairbrush.

"Do you have a hairbrush I can borrow, Paddy?" I asked as I walked into the bedroom door. "Yeah, I'll grab it. Just sit down I'll be right back," he said sitting up from the bed. He walked to the bathroom and I sat down on the bed. "Found it," Patrick said as he walked out of the bathroom door. Patrick slid behind me and began to brush my hair for me. He did it gently taking his time as he separated my tangled locks. "You know you don't have to do this for me right? I can brush my own hair," I said as he continued to run the brush through my hair. He threw my hair over my shoulder and kissed the back of my neck up to my ear. "But I want to," he whispered gently into my ear. His warm breath made me tense up and sigh. He was so chillingly sexy even when he didn't mean to be. "Okay," I simply sighed out as he suckled on my neck before going back to brushing my hair.

Patrick finished brushing my hair and turned me around in his lap. "All done," He said smiling. I smiled back at him and fixed a fallen curl. I kissed Patrick gently before saying, "Thank you." "You're welcome," he simply replied. "I love you," I said smiling in the heat of the moment. He was so kind and caring, he deserves to hear I love you all of the time. "I love you too," He replied returning my smile. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him in for a tight hug.

Patrick's POV:

About an hour passed of just Ellen and I watching TV. My mind wandered about our relationship when I realized that we didn't know that much about our lives outside of LA.

"El?" I asked out as she was watching Law & Order. "Pat?" She said in response. "I got to thinking and we don't really know that much about each other outside of our LA bubble," I said. She looked over at me with a look that I haven't seen her make before. She looked scared, sad, nervous, anxious, and worried all at the same time. "But this is our bubble. Why don't we just stay in it," she said without questioning. "Oh okay," I simply replied. Ellen seems dark and gloomy like her own personal cloud was hung above her head but I just couldn't figure out why.

Ellen and I went back to watching television until it was about an hour until we needed to get to work.

"I'm going to get ready," I said looking at her her face still had darkness lingering over it. "Okay," she replied simply.

Ellen's POV:

I watched Patrick make his way into the bathroom before I dismissed myself. I ran out onto the balcony almost gasping for air. The crisp sea air help calm me as I watched the waves break below me. Why did Patrick suddenly seem interested in my past? I don't want to be the president of people with crappy childhoods. And I definitely don't want Patrick knowing about my rough childhood. How was I supposed to explain that I grew up being the weird girl without a mom? That I was the girl who got made of for more than just being super skinny.

I balanced myself against the railing of the balcony as tears started to trickle down my cheeks. I wiped my tears away quickly as I heard the sliding door open behind me. I continued to watch the waves crash at the shoreline as I felt two familiar hands wrap around my waist.

"You look so beautiful with your hair flowing in the breeze," Patrick said as he rested his head on my neck after pecking it softly. "We should tell them," I said softly. "Tell who, tell what?" He asked in confusion. "The cast, Shonda. We should tell them about us. I don't want to keep this a secret. Plus, how are we supposed to keep our whole house a secret," I said turning around. Patrick's face was nearly grazing mine but he backed up slowly. "Are you sure?" He asked politely. "Yes, I'm positive. I don't think I've been this sure about anything in an extremely long time," I sad smiling as I rested my hands on Patrick's shoulder.

A big goofy grin spread across Patrick's face as I felt my feet lift from the ground. He spun me around and kissed me lovingly. "I love you," He said as he sat me down on the ground our arms still wrapped around each other. "I love you too," I said pulling Patrick into my arms. "We should tell them today," Patrick added. "That sounds good," I said still smiling.

Patrick and I finished getting ready and headed back to the set where we would soon share about our love for each other.


Hi, loves! It's around 3 A.M. at the time I'm posting this and I'm too lazy to grammar and spell check so I'll fix any mistakes when I wake up. ALSO, TYGSM FOR OVER 2K READS! WE ARE CURRENTLY #1 UNDER #DEMPEO! Goodnight, lovely's!

~sky 🥰😴 

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