Chapter 28: Can't See Straight

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Ellen's POV:

"Oh god, Patrick!" I moaned out as quietly as possible as I felt myself clamp down around him. "Damnit, Ellen..." he groaned out into my ear as he felt our release almost simultaneously. "Oh..." I moaned out as I came down from my high and Patrick pulled out. I quickly cleaned up my cum covered thighs and fixed my messed up hair. "I love you," I told him before leaving the bathroom.

A few minutes later Patrick sat down beside me with a grin a mile long across his face. "That was something," he said resting his hand on my thigh. "Yeah, now think about what we can do in Rome," I said with a smirk before I kissed his cheek. "Tomorrow is gonna be the best birthday ever, I already know it," I said resting my head on his chest before drifting off into a deep sleep. We wore each other out in the small airplane bathroom.

I felt turbulence jerk me from my slumber. I woke up with panic on my face. "It's okay, El. We just landed," Patrick said stroking my cheek softly. "I can already feel the jet lag kicking in," I said as we came to a complete stop. "It's already 6 A.M. here in Italy which means it's November 10th. Happy birthday, Ellie," he said before placing a kiss on my lips. It was tender and quick but filled with a great amount of love and affection. I simply smiled at him as the flight attendant told us to grab our things to get off of the plane.

Patrick and I were dropped off in front of our hotel and I was amazed at the sight of the 5-star hotel. "Grazie, Ciao!" I yelled at the taxi driver as he pulled away. Patrick repeated after me and the taxi driver waved goodbye. Patrick and I walked into the hotel and checked in. I did most of the speaking because Patrick barely knew Italian. "Questo posto è bellissimo," I told him with a smile as we walked into our hotel room. "I have no idea what you just said but it sounded sexy as hell coming out of your mouth," he replied smiling as he rolled our bags into the room. "I said this place is beautiful," I stated smiling. "Your unintelligent ass is adorable," I giggled. "Hey! I can't help it. Foreign languages are hard to learn for dyslexic people as I," He said jokingly while slight offense rang in his tone. "I know baby. I'm just teasing," I answered giggling as I spanked him gently. "We should try to get another hour or two of sleep then start your birthday," He said as he sat down on the bed. "That sounds great to me," I said as I ripped my jeans off and crawled into bed. I curled into Patrick's side and breathed him in. It really was already the best birthday ever because I was spending it with the man I love.

I slowly turned over in the bed and was disappointed when I felt an unaccompanied pillow. I sat up slowly and saw my blue-eyed boy drinking coffee and reading an American newspaper he brought from home. "Good morning," I said stretching my arms. "Good morning birthday girl," He said as he walked over and placed a kiss on my forehead. "I have something for you," He said pulling away and smiling at me. "You didn't have to get me anything. I have you," I replied sweetly. "And that's exactly why I had to get something for you," He said as he pulled a box out from his pocket. "Happy Birthday my beautiful woman," he said as he opened the box and slipped the flawless rose gold diamond ring onto my finger. I felt tears prick my orbs as he rubbed my hand gently. "Ellen Kathleen Pompeo, with this ring I promise to be there for you, to cherish you, and take care of you. Most importantly I promise to love you. I know that it's early and we've only known each other for a few months but I love you and I'm so happy that you are my girlfriend. Happy Birthday, baby," He said sweetly. I felt the tears run down my face as the words escaped his mouth smooth like butter. "Damnit, Dempsey! You're making me cry. I love you," I said before I pulled him into my arms and hugged him tightly. "I love you and I promise to love you no matter the situation," I said sniffling as I slipped out of our embrace. Patrick smiled and swept my hair behind my hair gently.

"I need to shower, care to join me?" I asked cheekily. "Of course," He said taking off his shirt and throwing it down on the bed. He quickly picked me up into his arms and I let out a happy squeal as he carried me into the bathroom. He sat me down and we quickly undressed. Patrick turned on the water and we hopped into the large glass tiled shower.

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