Part 13

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Goodnight Lisa...


Third POV

"Good morning Assholes! Wake up! WE HAVE LOTS TO DO!!!" Lisa yelled as she walked in each room, not before knocking, loudly.

The whole house was in chaos. Some were showering/ waiting for their turn to shower. Some were cleaning/ making a mess. Some were cooking breakfastluchdinner/ setting the table.

Yes folks, breakfastlunchdinner. They all woke up at 1pm.

After breakfastlunchdinner, they did a final round of cleaning up and all sat around the living room table. It was like a press conference. There were so many people!

But the more the merrier.

"Ok Seokmin, any ideas?" Chan asked him.

"Don't be too pressured. It doesn't have to be this.... whole thing. Just... elegance is key." Lisa assured her fellow classmate. Nodding lightly.


They spent the whole weekend planning, setting up, practicing, and decorating, IT WAS PERFECT.

Everything was in their rightful places. There were no signs of imperfection anywhere.

The theme was a powerful maroon red, matched beautifully with gold. It was just amazing. And for sure the audience would love it just as much as them.

The entrance will welcome the guests and judges with a silky gold curtain perfectly ruffled and pinned to each side allowing an opening. A semi long red carpet under the feet of the new comers.

The gymnasium was aligned with chairs in rows. Each chair hold red cushions for the sole purpose of comfort.

Then we have the beautiful stage. Little does go a long way. It is accented with red curtains tied ideally with gold ribbons. The top of the curtain, gold tassels hanging down effortlessly.

The stage will be lit with many different lights complimenting each dance and song style.

Everything was perfect. Nothing could possibly go wrong, right?

"Wow! This is amazing." Mr. Kwan said mesmerizingly. He looked around the gym as if it were foreign. Absolutely beautiful.

The 17 students standing in front of him, gaped at their teacher. They were thankful for an opportunity like this. They had something to prove, and they will do it with their utmost dedication.

They bowed and thanked multiple times before they had to practice. Which was only the 4 boys and 1 girl staying back. The rest went to class considering it was a Monday.

"Do you think we'll do great? Or even good?" Chan asked with a hint of hesitation in his voice.

"Of course! We'll do amazing." Lisa tapped Chan on his shoulder for reassurance. She let her hand fall from his shoulder to her side and sighed,

"We have to."

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