Part 1

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As soon as I heard that from living room. I bolted from my bed. In my head I looked like a maniac. But I mean someone is trying to break in. I looked around for a more dramatic effect. I'm not scared. This happened before, many times. I just thought, why not make it fun.

I grappled the door knob and slowly turned it. I heard the click. I pulled the door open very dramatically, to the point I cause a whiff of wind to blow my way. I heard footsteps walking around.  I took that as my cue to creep out of my room. I found a wire. I unplugged that shit and held it.

DAMMIT. That asshole dropped my damn vase. That was a gift from Jisoo. She made it herself. I was mad. INFURIATED. I had no FREAKIN time to make a dramatic entrance and save my own ass.

I took initiative. I walked straight down with the angriest face I could muster. I got off the last stair and started at the person in the mask. I was waving the wire in a really cool way. I gotta admit, I looked cool. Even with my bed head, tank top, and pj shorts.

He was facing the door. So his back was on me. RUDE. He was just staring at the door like a damn creep.

I walked quite quickly. But I kept my footsteps light. I patted his shoulder and he turned around with wide ass eyes. He looked like an idiot. He was dressed in all black. He had a ski mask on. I couldn't see his face. He looked shocked. I didn't  know why. He shouldn't be shocked. He's the one who broke in. That kind of logic deserves a prize. A PUNCH IN THE FACE. And that's what he got. I punched him straight on his nose. I know it hurt because he was holding on it for dear life, it also cracked. His nose looked crooked.

I looked him straight in the eyes and screamed, "You wanna fight asshole! I can beat your ass and throw you somewhere google can't find you."  Enragement and annoyance laced in my tone.

He was scared. He looked at me with sad and fearful eyes. He shook his head repeatedly and quickly. I thought his head was gonna spin off the rest of his body. "THEN GET THE HELL OUT! IF I SEE YOUR FACE AGAIN I WILL FUDGE IT UP!!!" I yelled. I don't like saying the B-word or F-word, so I try to sensor it. Amazing right? I'm so pure, as once said by Sexy Brain RM.

Don't believe everything that bastard says. Sometimes he just talks and talks, it ends up going literally nowhere.

He sprinted off the ground looking very pitiful. He stumbled because of the impact my punch caused on his pea sized brain. He tripped over nothing and tried to hold the doorknob. But failed... miserably. That was a hella sight. He composed himself just a little before waddling down my walk way. That MOFO ran for his now watched life.

I watched him for a good 5 or so minutes. It was atrocious. I've never wanted to pull my eyes out of their sockets before.

I cleaned the mess he made and made sure everything was organized and back in place. I'm very artistic. So that vase Jisoo made for me, I'll return it back to the way it was. Kind of. It wasn't broken to many tiny pieces. It was broken to maybe 5 pieces. So it made my night a whole lot easier. 

I had a thought though. Why did he look at me like I was some kind of monster. I mean I know I beat his ass, but I have feelings too.

It was 4 am. I have school tomorrow! Luckily I finished what I was doing and ran back my room. I looked at my self in the mirror hung on my bedroom door. I noticed my eyes. They look different. They look lighter. Naturally I have dark brown eyes, but now they look just a tad bit lighter. Like my natural eyes, but in the sunlight. I scared me honestly. But not to the point where I have to waste brain cells over. I shrugged it off and made my way to my bed.

You'd think I don't care what happens to me. I care. A lot. And truthfully I have people to protect. So I'm not living for my self only.

I over came everything that was meant to destroy me. And I will keep pushing further until my last breath.  I will live life so that I am happy and the people around me are happier. Because nothing makes me happier than the real, genuine smile I made on the people I care about.

Ronald Dahl said, "If you have good thoughts, they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely."

I don't want to always follow what quotes say, but this is an exception because I see it in myself and other people who like to be optimistic.

I want to be the person that makes others smile. I hate seeing sad people. It makes me sad. That's another thing I hate.

That's why I made a vow to myself. Turn pressure and sadness to motivation and happiness. It makes my skin look nice and glowy. Who wouldn't want nice skin?

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