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A/N:: Much love to ashleyc94 for allowing me to brag about her masterpiece. Click on her name in this note to get to her profile and check out the story my characters talk about! Enjoy y'all!!!

"What do we got?"

Dean stood up from his squatted position and turned to acknowledge his very late partner, "nice of you to join us."

"Sorry the sitter was late, and Megan worked a double yesterday, so it didn't feel right waking her up for just a few minutes with Chase," Ben explained while he was sliding on a pair of white latex gloves.

"Nanny," Dean corrected with a chuckle Ben just rolled his eyes at him.

"I hate that word," he mumbled as he squatted down next to the body at their feet covered in a white sheet.

"Well, we have to wait for the M.E. but I'm pretty sure he was attacked by a werewolf," Dean said answering his previous question as Ben picked up the sheet to inspect the body.

"But last night was the first night of the new moon, there's no way that's possible there was barely a sliver of the moon," sighed Ben as he placed the sheet back down and stood up next to his partner.

"Hey, I didn't say it made any sense."

"Fuck this is gonna be bad," Ben sighed again before running his hands through his hair then grimacing as he realized he now had to change his glove.

"Doesn't look like forced entry, so it's possible he knew his attacker," began Dean then directed Ben to the other side of the room. "There are claw marks along the hallway, leading out of the bedroom. I haven't been back there to look yet."

Ben nodded and took the lead down the hall stopping periodically to examine the indentations in the wall "hey Dean..." he began but Dean's phone beeped halting his observation. He looked up at his friend to see a smile on his face "I take it that's good news."

"Yeah," he smiled and slipped off his gloves as he began typing a response to the text. "Just confirming my reservations tonight at 'The Glass House' it's where I'm taking Rachel."

Ben groaned and snatched the phone from his hands, "no."

Dean's eyes grew wide as he stood in shock over his phone being taken, "um... what?"

Ben sighed, "you get one shot at this, ONE. You can't take her there, anywhere but there."

"Uhhhh care to explain?"

Ben felt like it was going to be a day full of sighs as the lightly irritated sound slipped past his lips while he shook his head, "look it's complicated but I swear you will thank me. Besides do you really wanna waste your one shot on a stuffy overpriced dinner and dull conversation?"

Dean rolled his eyes, "fine" he said as he snatched his phone back from him and deleted the message he began to write. "Where do you suggest I take her then?"

"I don't know, just don't take her there," He slipped on a fresh set of gloves and slowly ran his finger along one of the marks on the wall. "Now have a look at these, there's no drag or curve to them it's almost as if they were purposely carved and not just lashed out at."

"Huh," Dean said while sliding his phone back into his pocket and shining a flashlight on the marks, "you're right they're slices, not scratches."

"Hey, can we make sure we get some angled shots on these," Ben called out to the crime scene photographer as Dean continued down the hallway.

"Fuck," Dean sighed as he walked into the victim's bedroom, "this is gonna take a while."

Ben came up behind him and entered the room more slash marks covered the walls, blood looked like it had been flung throughout the room. The furniture, clothes, books, and possessions had been tossed around as if someone was searching for something.

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