Chapter 12 - Accepting fates

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The days were slowly trickling down and with every passing day, the weather got colder

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The days were slowly trickling down and with every passing day, the weather got colder. I found myself liking the cold weather and I attributed this to my change. I still didn't want to call myself a zombie but with Noah, it seems the ship has already sailed.

I waited for Noah at the curb of our sidewalk because he insisted on driving me to school. I didn't mind though, the walk was long and I was scared to death of walking past Wickery road. Even with the monster out of the picture, I didn't feel entirely safe. Something was building in Brookfield and I didn't like it one bit.

I heard the old Ford truck long before I saw it and when Noah stopped next to me I opened the door and got in. Noah's attire always remained more or less the same, dark jeans and any clean jacket that he could find.

That's another thing about him I liked, he didn't care what others thought or what the status quo was of high school, he wasn't bothered about popularity and he didn't socialize very much.

"Morning Z...uh...I mean Syd," he said and gave me his signature smirk.

I just rolled my eyes, "I remember very clearly telling you not to call me that."

He gave me his puppy dog eyes and stuck out his lips in a ridiculous pout, "I can't help it, and besides we both know you're memory is not to be trusted."

I just scoffed which caused Noah to laugh, we drove in comfortable silence and I just scanned the scenery outside. I loved the change of the seasons, autumn was a beautiful time. The brown and orange landscape, the bare trees and cloudy skies. Not dead but also not fully alive, it reminded me of my own predicament.

Maybe that's what I was not truly alive and not truly dead, that gave me some hope that maybe this was reversible. But to get to summer you had to go through winter.

"Speaking of bad memory, I had an idea of how we can get yours back," Noah said.

With my train of thought interrupted, I moved my gaze from the landscape to Noah, his eyes fully trained on the road in front of him.

Dipping my head down and raising one eyebrow I gave Noah my signature what are you talking about look, and then realized he wasn't looking at me I asked, "What did you have in mind?"

We reached school and Noah pulled into the parking and shut the truck off. I got out and tossed my book bag over my shoulder and Noah fell into step beside me.

"Well, I thought after school we could retrace your steps, see where you went that day and maybe jog your memory."

The idea of going back into the woods set my whole body alight with fear. Yes, Dr. Benette was now dead and yes, that meant the creature that attacked me, but we didn't know that for sure. All we had to go on was my failing memory and a few bad dreams. My dreams seemed to be the only way to access my memories and even then, they were splotchy at best. My idea was to wait for them to come back at their own pace but Noah didn't seem to think that was a good idea.

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