Chapter 19 - Buried Alive

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I sat waiting on the couch for Leah

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I sat waiting on the couch for Leah. My nerves were strung as tight as a guitar string. I had no idea what to expect and although I didn't think she was apart of this mess, I was still apprehensive. She did mention to me that her mother wouldn't be home, so that put my mind at ease, but only somewhat.

Someone knocked at the front door and I shot up from the couch.

Well, here goes literally everything.

I pulled the front door open to see the tiny brunette shivering. Her brown locks were woven in an intricate braid that fell over her left shoulder like liquid chocolate. Brown doe-like eyes looked at me expectantly from underneath a grey beanie that fell across her forehead.

Leah's cheeks and nose had turned red from the freezing weather and even her lips were more rosy than usual. She wore a purple jacket which she clutched tightly with her mitted hands.

"Please hurry before I freeze to death," she said, a smile still adorning her face.

I chuckled and grabbed my overnight bag, but Leah had already sprinted towards her car. This girl could not handle the cold she hated winter almost as much as I did. After throwing my bag into the boot of the car, I got into the passenger seat only to find Leah frantically rubbing her hands together with the heat on full blast.

She sighed dramatically and sat back in her seat, "This weather is trying to kill me."

Letting out a puff of laughter, I smiled, "Not as bad as the winter three years ago remember that?"

Leah's eyes went wide, shooting up in her seat, "Please don't remind me, I broke my arm that year!"

She pulled her lips into a dramatic pout that I have seen on her countless times. It reminded me of how long we had been friends and how she was there when my parents went through their divorce.

"Why aren't you a Popsicle by now? It's freezing and you don't even seem fazed by it"

I looked down at my attire, I had on a spaghetti strap top and black leggings with a grey hoodie thrown over them. I couldn't really tell my friend that I was a zombie and the cold didn't bother me.

"I went for a run before you came, I guess I'm still feeling a bit warm."

Leah just shrugged her shoulders and started the car. A black Tuscon that she had gotten for her sixteenth birthday. With the money, my parents made, I would be lucky if I got my mom's car.

We chatted as we drove to her house, mostly about Noah to my bitter spite. I had too much going on to even delve into this topic. But whenever, I did think about him my heart started beating a little faster and a smile always seemed to dance on my lips. The prospect of seeing him gave a bounce to my step that wasn't there before.

I sighed wistfully. What I feel doesn't matter, I was a monster, and no matter how much I tried to deny it, it was always there lurking in the back of my mind.

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