Chapter 5 - A taste of death

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I crumbled the paper in my hand to a ball

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I crumbled the paper in my hand to a ball. My mind reeled while a slow thrumming started in my chest. Noah Freaking Miller knew about me and now he was playing a very dangerous game because the handle I had on my impulses was getting smaller by the day. Sure, I felt much better after slaughtering an innocent creature but that didn't mean the rage was gone. It only meant that I might take a second longer to attack him.  

The anger that I tried so hard to suppress lit up like a Christmas tree in my chest, spreading to my limbs and pulling them taut. I marched to my first class with my mind made up. I wasn't going to let him bully or threaten me. 

So he saw me but why not go to the police? Why leave a cryptic note in my locker? If there was one thing I knew about myself it was that I hated not having answers. It's the reason I studied hard for tests and excelled academically.

Teachers droned on about assignments I couldn't care less about. Other kids kept shooting the lone glance in my direction before turning back to their friends to talk about me in hushed whispers. I didn't care. All I wanted was to shake Noah repeatedly until he told me everything he saw. Not even Leah's sullen glances and worried expression would take my mind off Noah. 

Every muscle in my body coiled with nervous tension and low boiling rage. I wanted to scream, loud enough to burst everyone's eardrums.

This isn't fair!

I could feel my grades slipping. I could even feel all the hard work over the past four years crumble to dust right before my eyes, unable to stop it. Everything I've worked so hard for was slipping through my fingers like fine sand. It made me furious. The anger bubbled beneath the surface until I was sure it would boil over the brim.

How could this be happening?

One moment I was on top of the world, the last stretch of a long run. When you force your muscles to hold on just a few more minutes so you can clear the finishing line. In one fell swoop, everything got stripped away almost instantly.

The lunch bell rang and I jumped from my seat. I wasn't even aware of what class I just had let alone the homework, in all fairness, I didn't give a crap. Last night was so vividly imprinted in my brain. One word came to mind.


I walked through the cafeteria that was already filling up with hungry students, but I had a single-minded goal. To find Noah Miller and to make him talk. My eyes roamed the students that entered but I couldn't spot him anywhere. Then I remembered that Noah sat on the bleachers at lunchtime.

Turning on my heel I marched to sport fields. The wind had picked up blowing my hair across my face. The air had grown chillier in the last week, finally welcoming fall.

Noah was standing with his back against a large oak tree, casually leaning to the side as if he didn't have a care in the world. As if he hadn't driven me crazy with a single note. Well, that changed the moment his gaze locked on mine. I didn't slow down, instead, I took bigger steps until I face facing him head-on. Then again, I had to tilt my head back just so I could look him square in his eyes. 

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