Things couldn't get any better for Julia Andrew, the newest addition to the Jump Street team. She enjoys going undercover in high schools and gets along very well with her new colleagues, especially Tom Hanson who quickly became her best friend.
As much as I loved him, I really thought living with Doug would be pretty...well... complicated. I mean, I knew him well, and it was no secret he wasn't the tidy type of guy. Plus, I had heard stories which weren't the most encouraging, like from the time he lived with Harry and stuff.
Apparently, Doug's then girlfriend had thrown him out of their house because he was being so messy it drove her literally crazy. Well, from what I heard the girl, I think her name was Dorothy or something, was a real pain in the ass, but I can't really tell since I never met her. All this took place long before I started working at Jump Street. Anyway, Doug had absolutely nowhere to go, so he basically ended up knocking on the door of all the people he knew in the middle of the night, searching for a place to crash. Of course, he went to his best friend first. Tom immediately offered him to stay the night, but the thing is Doug was actually searching for a place to live, and as he was convinced that their friendship definitely wouldn't survive living together, Tom finally turned him down. Dougie then went to a guy namrd Booker, whom I never met either since he left Jump Street before I even joined it. Well, that Booker guy happened not to be alone that night so Doug turned to Blowfish. Sal's evil kids must have scared him off I guess, because he didn't stay there either. Anyway, he eventually found himself on Harry's doorstep, and that's how the two started living together. However, the flatsharing didn't last very long : Doug being his usual messy self ended up also getting on Harry's nerves who threw him out at some point to prevent himself from strangling Penhall to death.
So, long story short, I kind of dreaded my week with Doug. But to my greatest surprise, staying with him turned out to be as cool as it had been with the three others. He was being a real sweetheart to me, seeing to my every need, treating me like an actual princess. Alright, maybe he wasn't the best cook ever, except if you like burned chicken that is, but I didn't mind eating burgers every day anyway. Besides, he made some efforts regarding his usual bad habits, like putting his dirty socks behind the toilet or wiping his mouth on the table cloth. He didn't stop drinking milk out of the milk carton though, but Doug Penhall is Doug Penhall, you can't really change him. I really couldn't complain, I was enjoying my time with him. Well, I would've probably enjoyed it even more if it hadn't been for me to be sick.
"You sure you don't want me to call the doctor ?", Doug asked as he held my hair back so I wouldn't barf on it.
"No, no ! I'm fine Dougie don't...bleeeuuurrrggghh...worr...uh...worry." Getting back up, I flushed the toilet before making my way to the sink to wash out my mouth.
Damn, I hate vomiting.
I think I was right to believe the cramping from last week were due to a stomach flu, because I started throwing up yesterday. It got Doug worried, so he started insisting on taking me to the doctor and stuff, which I refused because what's the point in seeing a doctor when you already know what you're suffering from ? Plus, I didn't wanna risk to get my return to work delay. I already had gotten the stomach flu more than once before, so I knew what the symptoms were and it was definitely that. Although it wasn't the worst stomach flu of my life. I mean, I would usually vomit all day because of that damn thing, but this time I only did in the morning so it wasn't that bad.
"Okay, I feel better now", I stated, taking a quick look at my reflection in the mirror. "Urrrgggh", I quickly placed my hand over my mouth before running back to the toilet, barfing violently as I reached it.
Doug rushed over me to hold my hair back once more, his face uneasy as he watched me. I could tell he was hurting for me.
"My gosh, are you pregnant or what ?", he suddenly said out of nowhere, as my vomiting intensified.
I chocked at his words. What was that supposed to mean ? I wasn't in the mood for joking. I looked up at him before sarcastically answering
"Ha-Ha. Very funny."
"No, I mean it. I dunno a lot about that kinda stuff but it's a possibility isn't it ?", he almost sounded serious.
"Seriously Doug, how the hell would I be pregnant ?", I rolled my eyes as if it was the stupidest thing I had ever heard. Well, actually it was.
"Dunno maybe Hanson has something to do with it ?", he shrugged, faking to be clueless on the matter.
I shook my head in disbelief. He wasn't making any sense at all.
"It's ridiculou-...bleeeuuurrrggghh", I stopped speaking as I threw up again, making Doug wince in the process.
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Hey guys 😀 Hope you enjoyed it. I really wanted to thank two of my amazing readers ForTheloveOfHanson and @lovingmalum. You guys are the best ! Thank you so much for your votes on that book, for your comments... You give me all the motivation I need to write, because I'm so eager to see your reaction. I swear, each time I start working on a new chapter I'm like "Can't wait to know how they're gonna react to this". You two are simply the best and I really wanted you to know how much I appreciate your support . It means the world to me ❤❤❤