Collection and Extraction

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It was another day of travelling the galaxy. Pidge had been spending countless hours attempting to decode the little information they obtained from Sandek's brain.

Feeling bad for Pidge, Allura and Kanna decided to keep her company for a while. The three girls were seated around the couch, and Kanna had with her an Altean instrument similar to a ukulele, gifted to her by the princess.

"We've been here for hours." said the princess, while sliding down the seat.

"Kanna, why don't you play us something? You don't mind, do you Pidge?" asked Allura.

"No, some music would be nice, actually." responded Pidge, still focused on her device.

"Brilliant! Kanna, do you know any love songs?" asked Allura.

"Uhhhhh, not that many I'm afraid. Oh, but there was a song my mom and dad used to sing to each other when I was a little girl. It was my favourite." said Kanna.

"Let's hear it!" said Allura.

Kanna started strumming her instrument, when the rest of the paladins walked into the room. Lace was about to say something, but Allura interrupted him with a 'shhhhhhh'.

Kanna began to sing:

(Melody reference: For the dancing and the dreaming, from How to Train Your Dragon 2)

"I'll travel through the galaxy
With never a fear of falling
And gladly ride the ship of life
If you would marry me

No scorching sun nor freezing cold
Will stop me on my journey
If you will promise me your heart
And love me for eternity

My dearest one, my darling dear
Your mighty words astound me
But I've no need for mighty deeds
When I feel your arms around me

But I would bring you gems and gold
I'd even sing you poetry
And I would keep you from all harm
If you would stay beside me

I have no use for gems and gold
I care not for your poetry
I only want your hand to hold

I only want you near me

To love and kiss to sweetly hold
For the dancing and the dreaming
Through all life's sorrows and delights
I'll keep your love inside me

I'll travel through the galaxy
With never a fear of falling
And gladly ride the ship of life
And you will marry me!"

"Oh, Kanna, that was most wonderful! Your parents' love must have been so beautiful to witness!" said the princess, with teary eyes. "You must tell me all about it!"

"Uhhhh, I guess I can, if you want." said Kanna, awkwardly, while scratching the back of her head.

Excited, the princess grabbed Kanna by the arm and the two left the room.

"Girls, am I right?" said Lance, nudging Keith's arm, only to notice the red paladin had been staring at Kanna and blushing.

"Keith?" said Lance.

Snapping out of it, Keith responded:


"I was talking to you." said Lance, with an inquisitive look on his face.

"Right. I don't have time for this, gotta go train." responded Keith, leaving the room, with a very strong blush across his cheeks.

"Whats up with him?" wondered Lance, looking at Hunk.

Voltron: Keith x OC (White Lion) - Daughter of LightWhere stories live. Discover now