Day Forty-Seven

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The next morning, Kanna woke up with Keith's arms around her.

She felt his soft breath on the back of her neck and smiled. She thought in that instant that no matter what happened next, she would forever hold on to moments like this.

Stretching her arms, Kanna sat up and looked down to find Kosmo curled up beside Keith's bed.

The wolf lifted his head up to meet her eyes, and his tail began to wag happily.

"Hey boy, did I wake you?" Kanna whispered as she rubbed his head.

Kosmo whimpered slightly in response, causing Keith to turn and grunt in his sleep.

The boy wrapped his arms around Kanna and pulled her towards him, trapping her in a bear hug.

"Go back to sleep, you two." he whispered in a raspy morning voice.

Kanna smiled and turned to bury her face into his neck.

"Sorry, space cowboy, but it's time to get up." she said, softly. "Everyone will be heading to their posts soon."

Keith's annoyed growl that followed was muffled by Kanna's hair.

"Come on, let's get you and Kosmo some breakfast." she smiled, giving him a good morning kiss.


Kanna and Keith were sitting together in the cafeteria having breakfast, when officers Ryan Kinkade and Nadia Rizavi walked in followed by a little circular drone with a camera on it.

"Oh! This is perfect! Audiences love a good power couple." said Rizavi, walking towards their table. "Hey guys, got a minute?"

Kanna stopped mid bringing up a spoon of cereal to her mouth. "Uh, sure, why?"

"We're making a documentary about life on the Atlas. Do you guys mind answering a couple of questions?"

Keith and Kanna looked at each other for a couple of seconds.


"Great! Let's get started." Rizavi sat down in front of them and pointed the camera. "So, just catch us up on what's going on!"

"Well, the Atlas is headed to the Grei-Aye system where we've used Pidge's locator to identify the remains of a disabled Robeast." said Kanna.

"Can you explain how the locator works?" asked Kinkade.

"No, that's boring!" said Rizavi. "Keith, tell us about the dangers of the mission?"

"Every mission has some inherent dangers." he said. "For this one, we have to be especially diligent about the Robeast. Even if it's not fully functional, it can still pose an extreme threat. Combine that with the hostile Altean pilot that is probably still in the vicinity and you've got threats on multiple fronts."

"What is your protocol for dealing with the hostile pilots?" asked Kinkade.

"Okay, stop." said Nadia. "Your questions are too boring!"

"Listen, it works better if you just have a conversation with the people you're interviewing." said Kanna. "Like this: So, Ryan, do you like cars?"

"Yes, it's my favourite film." he replied.

"No, I mean like are you a car person?"

"I'm a human."

Kanna facepalmed.

"This is hopeless." said Rizavi. "We should give the people what they want. Spill some tea! Kanna, how did you and Keith meet?"

"Uh, when we joined Voltron."

Voltron: Keith x OC (White Lion) - Daughter of LightWhere stories live. Discover now