fights • randy (1)

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Rye sighed as he ran his hand through his messy brown hair. He glanced around the room, trying desperately to avoid looking over at a certain blonde boy.

He knew he shouldn't be getting jealous. And he hated himself for feeling this way. But something about watching Andy talk, laugh and touch another guy made his blood boil.

He hated to admit it, but fuck he was in love with his best friend.

He loved the way his beautifully dyed blonde hair fell perfectly across his forehead, and how he would constantly flick it out of his eyes.  He loved how his ocean blue eyes lit up and sparkled whenever he was happy. He loved the dimples that appeared whenever he smiled or laughed. He loved how pink and kissable his lips constantly looked, and it took all of his willpower not to just kiss him when he wanted.

"Rye mate. We're going to Nando's. You coming?" Rye snapped out of his daydream and shrugged Mikey's hand off his shoulder, causing the raven haired boy to frown.
"Er...Are you ok?" He asked cautiously, knowing how defensive Rye could get.
"I'm fine. Leave it alone" Rye gritted through his teeth. Mikey raised his hand in defeat and walked back to where the other 3 were waiting.

"What's his problem?" Jack asked, jerking his head towards Rye. Mikey shrugged.
"Search me mate. Honestly it's best to just leave him to sulk. He'll talk when he wants to"

Andy frowned. Part of him knew Mikey was right. But the other part - his curiosity - got the better of him.

"You guys go ahead. I'm going to hang back and talk to him" Andy said slowly, biting his lip.
"Andy. I wouldn't..." Mikey warned.
"I know. But I have to try".

Mikey sighed. He knew there was no point in trying to talk Andy out of something, once he had his mind set on it.
"Fine. We'll meet you in Nandos. Try not to kill each other"

Once they had left, Andy took a deep breath before walking back into the venue. He saw Rye, sat on the edge of the stage, fiddling with his mircophone. He didn't hear Andy, or maybe he did and he was ignoring him on purpose.

Andy cleared his throat, making Rye look up and see him.
"Oh. It's you" Rye muttered, rolling his eyes. Andy frowned and jumped up on the stage, sitting next to him.
"What's wrong?" He asked gently. Rye scoffed.
"As if you actually care."
"Of course I care Rye. Otherwise I would have gone off with the others" He sassed, causing Rye to growl in annoyance.

"Why didn't you. Just fuck off and leave me alone" Rye snapped, standing up. Andy copied him, grabbing hold of his arm, forcing him to turn and face him.

He searched Rye's eyes, trying to get an idea of how the brown haired boy was feeling. It was at this moment he hated how reserved Rye was.

"No. I'm not going anywhere until you tell what's going on" Andy stated firmly.
"It's none of your business Andrew" Rye spat. Andy flinched slightly at the use of his full name, but remained strong.

"It is my buisness if something is bothering you. I'm the oldest here. And, you're treating your friends like shit Ryan. So I'll ask again. What the fuck is your problem"
"You. You're my problem."

"M-Me?" His voice faltered, shocked that Rye had actually given him an answer.
"Yes. You. It's always you" Rye sneered, yanking his arm out of Andy's grip.
"What have I done?!" Andy shouted, the shock being replaced by frustration.
"You have no idea, do you?" Rye shook his head, laughing bitterly.

"You're not making any sense Ry-"
"Forget it Andy"
"What?! No. No I'm not going to-"
"I said forget it"

Andy huffed as he watched Rye stalk off, probably back to the hotel they were staying at. He was beyond fuming with Rye. He didn't understand what he had done to upset him.

Swearing, he spun round and punched the wall of the venue, several times. He had a cut and bruises beginning to form on his knuckles. The anger was fading away; sadness, confusion and pain replacing it.

Sighing softly, he walked out of the venue and headed back to the hotel.


Part 2?

i really like writing angst and sad depressing shit :)

yeah sorry i haven't updated this in 340 years but i've kinda been focused on finishing Dear Ryan and then starting Dear Andy.

i have like 6 oneshots that i haven't finished/haven't published so i might end uo publishing them soon lmao.

also this book has 3k reads!!?! what the fuck? why? im literally the wOrst

i love you all ❤️


ig&twitter: adorkablefovvs

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