Brandy - Coffee Cup

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I see him everyday. Everyday he walk in at the same time, with the same person - Jake or something - and orders the same thing. Everyday, he talks to me a bit more, smiling, laughing, making jokes. 

He came in so frequently, that when I saw him outside, I started preparing his drink before he ordered it. Him and his friend. I would always be ready to serve him when he walked in. We became friends without really knowing each other. And I developed a small crush on him. 

His name was Brooklyn. I liked it. It was... unique

I started leaving little..notes on his cup instead of his name. A funny joke I heard or a really cheesy pickup line. He always waited until he was sat down to read it. I know that because he always sat in the two seater in-front of the window, in the seat that faced the counter. He would always go red, or laugh - depending on what I had written - and would catch my eye and smile. 

I liked those days.

Then, he stopped coming. I didn't know why he stopped coming. He just did. From what I learned in our 2/3 minute conversations, he only lived up the street and this was the closest coffee shop to him. It was his favourite place to come. I knew that he needed his coffee every damn day or he'd be grumpy for the rest of the week.

So it really threw me when he didn't show up.

My co-workers - Mikey in particular - noticed my change. I looked out the window longer, hoping to catch a glimpse of his blonde curly hair.I often zoned out on them when having a conversation, my mind wandering to his beautiful green eyes. I was quieter, listening out for melodic laugh. I stopped smiling as much, as I had no one to smile back at.

  One night while we were packing up, he asked me about it. My other friend, Alex, joined in, mentioning the blonde. I told them about Brooklyn. I told them how he had been coming to this coffee shop at the same time everyday for almost a year. I told them about the little messages I wrote on his cup. I told them how he had just stopped coming and how I hadn't seen him in over a month. They understood. They were sympathetic and comforted me. 

It had been almost two months since I last saw him. Then, he showed up again. he seemed sadder than before. He was with a different guy. A taller one than the last. He rubbed Brooklyn's arm and told him to sit down. 

"Hey can I get a medium Americano and a Caramel Latte with extra-"

"Milk" i finished for him, causing him to to look up confused.

"Wait. How did you-"

"I know him. He used to come in here every day and order the same thing for almost a year. Then He kinda just disappeared. Are you his friend or..." The guy sighed and leaned down, beckoning me to come towards him.

"I'm his brother, Rye. He...just got out of a pretty serious relationship. The bastard cheated on him and it tore him apart. It's taken me this long to try and get him to come here again, because he used to always come here with him" Rye trailed off, his eyes drifting towards Brooklyn. The blonde boy had chosen a different seat than usual. It was one in the corner, away from the window. He wore his favourite white hoodie and had his head in his hand, looking down at the table.

"Ok, do you mind if Mikey does your order. I really wanna talk with him" I asked, a slight desperation to my voice. Even though I really had no idea what I was actually gonna say to him. Rye looked hesitant. I understood why. He didn't want to put his brother in any more pain. But he agreed. 

I made Brooklyn's drink, knowing exactly how he liked it. I decided to write a really cheesy pickup line on the side of the cup, hoping it would make him smile. 

I walked over, placing the cup on the table. He muttered a thank, not really looking at me. I hovered for a few moments waiting for him to read it. He did, and I smiled, seeing his cheeks heat up. He lifted his head and saw me, the upturns of his mouth curling into a smile. 

"Long time no see, ey" I joked, taking a seat opposite him. He hummed in agreement, taking a sip of the coffee. I could see a small recognition flick in his eye, as he stared at me.

"You remembered..." He whispered. I gently reached out to grab his hand. He flinched away from me briefly, and it hurt my heart to see him do that, but he didn't ask me to stop.

"Of course I remembered Brook. You're my favourite customer after all" I smirked, winking at him. Once again, he simply hummed.

"What do you want from me Andy? You must want something"  He stressed, looking at me with sad eyes. I frowned at him.

"I don't want anything Brooklyn. Maybe, I want to be friends. But I swear, that's all" It wasn't the exact truth, but it wasn't a lie either. I didn't want to just be friends. I wanted to be more. But i couldn't scare him. If he had just gotten out of a relationship, he probably wasn't looking for another right away. He sighed softly, looking away from me.

I saw Rye, lingering around behind us. I knew that Mikey needed me as it was getting close to lunch. That was always our busiest time.

"Hey, Look at me," i said, causing him to turn his head back to face me "Here is my number. I get off at 6. Maybe, we can go for a walk or something. Get to know each outside this dull place" 

He smiled slightly and nodded. I jotted down my number and another cheesy chat up line  on a napkin. I folded it up and handed it to him, walking away. I smirked proudly as I watched him unfold it, and blushed. He spun around in his seat and shook his head at me.

"You are something else Andy. You really are"


yeah i wasn't really too sure as to where this was going either but oh well. i actually kinda liked this storyline hehe

brandy is; underrated and i love their friendship 

what's your favourite ship in the band? 

love y'all 

-Lauren xx

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