Part -1

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Monday mornings were always hectic for Ivana Miller. Her daily routine comprised of - getting ready, catching a bus and go to work. At the tender age of 21, worrying about bills, food and her pretty fucked up life were her top notch priorities. And the additional stress that her drunkard-abusive father puts on.

Ivana never had a single boyfriend in life. The thought of falling in love frightened her to the core. Love makes you weak. Neither you can retract, nor can your heart bear the torment. What's the point of all the fuss then, when at the end either of the person involved will infest a broken heart.

At the young age of five, Ivana learnt from her mother - ' Forgive people for what they did wrong to you. Spread love & believe in the power of love. '

Her mother believed in the power of love, thought her unconditional love would change her husband. But all she received was - ABUSE. Being in love with her husband madly, she couldn't bear the pain and left everything behind.

Few years back, Ivana's father's business collapsed. He couldn't bear the loss of his business and started gambling and drinking.

After that dreadful moment her parents always had fights, both verbal and physical. Being a sensitive child she used to hide herself in her closet frightened of the devil her father had become.

Their lives became cursed, filled with undeserved anguish. Ivana's mother cried day and night. She was in pain. Pain caused by the person she loved more than her life. And when she couldn't bear it anymore, she committed suicide.

Ivana was 12 years old that time, still in school. She still remembers her mother's blood stained body, not moving. Just laying limp on the kitchen floor with cake batter smeared all over her yellow dress. Her face pale as ghost, still haunting Ivana in her dreams, clouding her senses for a torturous amount of time.

The 12 year girl sat beside her mother's lifeless flesh, feeling a rush of blood to her face. Her guts were on fire. No amount of physical pain can be compared to what she felt.

Ivana bellowed experiencing the anguish of losing the woman who gave birth to her, who raised her, taught her, loved her. Her mother always kept her away from every evil. She tried to make Ivana happy everyday.

But all Ivana feels now is PAIN. Immense pain. Pain nobody could be able separate from her living-but-dead soul, she thought.

The screeching of the tyres brought Ivana to her present. She nimbly wiped the tears that had managed to escape her tear ducts, from the back of her right hand. Memories of that day still managed to shook her core.

Breathing in and out to stable her racing mind, she stepped out of the vehicle. She frantically jogged towards the diner fearing her boss, Mr. Joshua, will get mad at her for being late. For, he doesn't liked unprofessionalism, nor does he liked her.

It was a nice monday morning, the sun was shining, birds were chirping. Crossing the busy road seemed like an arduous mission. A pair of colorful macaws was hopping on the street. They reminded Ivana of her best friend Casey. That girl has shit load of energy. Her thoughts reverted to the time when Casey came to school with her pet macaw. Ivana laughed hard reminiscing that day.


"Oouuchh", she winced at the pain that shot through her feet.

Frowning she looked up to find the most beautiful black orbs glaring at me. His perfectly plump lips were set in a thin line. A little stubble graced his sculpted jaw. He was hovering above her with his almost 6 feet tall figure.

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