Part -12

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Ivana was fazed by what happened back in Domenico's office. Her brain was in a frenzy. She was aghast. Not just by the turn of events, but by herself.

She never wanted to be weak. Yet in the quest of fighting the darkness she became weak.

Did you forget the anguish of your mother? Her conscience interrogated.

No, she did not. Until today Ivana saw her mother crying in her nightmares. Her dull eyes were the vestiges of her failed marriage.

She still remembered the sleepless nights, the starving, the pain, everything. She still remember the twelve year old herself crying in the rain.

She does remember making meek attempts to get closer to her father. And she hated every second of it.

"IVANA!" An excited Casey barged into her space pulling her out of her miserable notions. "Hello to You too Case", Ivana attempted to crack a lame joke.

"Oh shut up!! Tell me how it was." Casey's eyes were shining like an amber in the sun.

"How was 'what'?", Ivana inquired cluelessly, emphasising on what particularly. Although she had a faint idea what her friend was referring to.

"The TRIP, you fool. Tell me how it was!! I'm dying out of curiosity." Ivana could see that. Even a person miles away could clearly see that.

In the next fifteen minutes Ivana told her everything that happened at his parent's house and in Domenico's office recently, excluding the part where she found him in an isolated, dark room.

"Okayyyyy.... So, YOU are marrying Domenico Moretti. The CEO", Casey said rubbing her chin thoughtfully. "You know what Ivana, This is a bad decision. A contract marriage! Seriously? You shouldn't do that. What if you fall in love with him?", She said circling around Ivana.

"No. I won't Casey. This is just a deal. He'll repay the debts and in return I'll marry him. What's wrong in this? I am taking the easy way out of the mess my father had put me in."

"Oh shut up! Girl you blush when I tease you about him. You'll eventually fall in love with the man", Casey countered ignoring the other reasons Ivana stated for marrying her boss.

"I don't have a future like yours. I am a high school dropout.I need to do this Casey. Please. A weight will be lifted off of my shoulders." Ivana tried to convince her friend.
"Consider this as a decision made in desperation", she said softly lowering her head in shame.

"Okay if that's what you want. I'm with you." Casey locked her in a warm embrace and kissed her cheeks. Her hugs always remind Ivana of her mother.


"Ohh God! How will I clean this? ", Ivana cried looking at the mess in front of her. Domenico had asked her to clean his private closet inside his cabin. Who needs this big closet at work.

"Fuck him!!" She could literally see various flavoured condoms scattered on the floor.

"You may if you want to. I love kinky office sex." Ivana turned to see The Devil smirking.

"But I don't."

"You will." He stepped closer to her. "I bet it'll be the best you ever experienced."

"Are you really bipolar?" Ivana asked in an attempt to get away from him. He quirked his left eyebrows. She never noticed the scar on his left cheek until now. It had been definitely a slit.

"Why?", he asked. Though he knew why people including her suspect him having bipolar issues.

"Because....You are weird. For example, You're calm right now but, you may snap any second." Ivana tried her best to explain.

"So you think I'm bipolar. What else do you think about me?",he asked rubbing his chin gently seeming genuinely curious to know.

"You don't like me. You think I am ugly and weak. You are the man who hates me. That's it. That's all I think about you", Ivana blurted. For a split second she thought she had seen hurt in his eyes.

But she was wrong. He laughed.

This man is definitely crazy, she mentally scoffed.

He stepped closer to Ivana and whispered in her right ear, "You look cute when you're angry." Her breath hitched due to the close proximity of their bodies. The literal banging in her heart did nothing to conceal it.

He winked and went to his desk, leaving her mind in haze.

A new Domenico Moretti.

What happened to the man who used to throw insults at her? Where did this change come from?


Hey readers !!
I know it's a short chapter. Hopefully you'll enjoy reading it.

Thanks ❤️❤️❤️


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