Part -2

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Life sucked for Ivana after her mother died. If she was to meet God once in her life, she would ask him Why was he so unfair to her when she had never hurt anyone in the twenty one years of her life.

Ivana remembered, once her mother had told her 'life has a weird way of testing you'. Maybe all those bad times were her tests. With this thought she woke up and went for 'job hunt'.

By one o'clock in the noon, she had visited ten offices and none had a job for a high-school dropout.

She had few hours to kill until her next interview. Calling her best friend Casey, she decided to meet her at a nearby restaurant. Her friend was available as she had to visit this side of the town for work purposes. Casey worked as an accountant at a very renowned firm. The best part was that she would be paying for the lunch.

"Hey Iva", came her chirpy voice. She wore a sea green professional suit with nude heels. Her cherry pink lips were in a pout. Flinging her arms around Ivana's neck, she took her off guard. No one could beat this girl's enthusiasm. She's always filled with positivity and life, unlike Ivana.

"Hi Casey. How are you doing ?", Ivana asked her best friend, meekly removing her snake-like grip.

"Cool as ever", Casey said smugly twitching her eyebrows. She had forever been the person who always stood by Ivana.

"Why are you still friends with me ?" Ivana asked sadly knowing how much of a mental burden she was on her best friend.

Casey was taken offguard. She quirked her brows, looking at Ivana like she had just eaten a bunch of raw fishes in front of her.

"What happened Ivana ? You never ask such questions. Well not unless you are upset...Come on tell me what happened this time. Maybe I can help you", Casey prompted Ivana, coming forward to help her like a great friend she had been.

Settling into the seat, Ivana heaved a long breath before answering. "I got fucking fired Casey. And you should have also left me like everyone did. Why are you here sitting with someone like me ?", she exclaimed drowning into my self loathing mode.

"Stop it. You are starting this again. You are better than you think yourself to be. And one day you will be everything you wanted to be....Believe me", Casey said taking Ivana's trembling hands in her soft ones. This girl was always there for Ivana in her low times.

"Casey, What will I do now ? I don't have a job. I don't want to die on street due to hunger", Ivana cried holding her head, scared for her future.

"Ohh sweety !! Don't worry. Everything will fall into place", Casey assured her.

"No Casey, I know it won't. It never did. And it never will", Ivana said trying to wipe her tears by the back of her sleeves. She had no idea why she cries in pretty much every situation. Her heart had become too weak to handle anymore misery.

"Listen babe...Just Calm down.... There's a vacancy for a secretary post in my office. You can try if you want."

"Who will hire a high-school dropout." Nobody knew why Ivana left school, not even her own father, except Casey. Nobody knew about him.

"Don't make that face Ivana. I know what you're thinking. We decided to never talk about him."

No matter how much Ivana tried to leave her past behind, it followed her like a trail. A trail of dark shadows...

"Hey...Hey...Hey!! Think about how you can pay all your bills if you manage to get this job...Think babe. Be rational." Her offer sounded good, thus it didn't take more persuasion from Casey's side. After a few seconds, Ivana agreed to apply there. Soon after, Saying their goodbyes they both went separate ways.


After roaming around the city for another hour or two, Ivana thought of going to the park for a little while. It was a small park with hardly anyone around. An enormous fountain at the center was showering water on the flowers. The whole area was surrounded by trees. The wind was blowing making her shiver with cold. The knee length skirt she wore did nothing to keep her warm.

Standing in the middle of the park was a little girl trying to coax her parents into buying an ice-cream for her. She reminded Ivana of her childhood. How her parents used to bring her here at weekends. But, those moments had turned blur in her head as time passed. And she wanted it to remain that way.

Recalling memories makes the ordeal more transparent. Just a look and you'll be transferred into the loathe-some yet glorious past.


Ivana turned to see the culprit that broke her trance. A beautiful kitten was staring at her direction. It's coat was brown and white. It was looking hardly a month old. Ivana crouched down and rubbed it's head. In return it laid it's tiny head on her hand making her giggle.

"Hey baby girl !! Are you lost?", Ivana cooed. She looked around to discover the kitten's owner, but nobody could be seen anywhere near from her spot.

"Let's look for your owner." She said trying picking it up gently. But the kitten started squirming in her embrace. Maybe it's scared, she assumed.

"Get your filthy hands off him !!!" Ivana looked up from her bended position to see the owner of the threat. Seemingly familiar pair of black eyes were glowering icily at her making her stumble backwards and fall on her butt.

He was wearing a blue business suit. His hair were perfectly slicked back complementing his piercing black eyes. "Are you always this clumsy little girl?", he inquired hovering over her small stature.

"Huh" Ivana dumbly responded lost in his eyes. They were the darkest shade of black she had ever seen.

"I asked, Are you always this clumsy ? First you ruined my clothes yesterday, and now this ", he repeated in his velvety smooth voice.

"I'm not clumsy. I j-u-s-t...didn't h-h-h-here", Ivana unknowingly stammered.

Why the fuck am I stammering.... Quit being nervous...she scolded herself.

"Hahahaha!", he stated laughing deviously and moved closer to her and whispered in her ear, "It's good that I scare you."

" Now give this cat back. Don't want you to hurt him." He roughly snatched back the cat from her grasp.

"Crazy", Ivana spat and ran out of the park praying never to encounter that crazy man ever again in life.

After reaching home she prepared dinner for dad and herself. Though she knew he won't come home, yet she always kept food for him. Keeping his dinner in the fridge for his drunk self, she went to her room to decide which dress to wear for the interview.

Casey texted her telling that she talked with one of her friend in HR department ; and she had managed to get Ivana into the list of the applicants though she's underqualified for the job.


Hey lovely readers !!!

Gear up for the twisted,stone hearted man to enter Ivana's life. 😈😈😈😈

**Who is the person they are talking about ? 🤔

I hope you all are having fun reading the book.

Thanks ❤️❤️❤️


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