Part -13

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After her mother committed suicide, Ivana promised herself she would never care for someone to the extent that it would hurt her. She vowed to never think about falling in love. Love can destroy lives. As a twelve year old girl she sweared never to marry.

Yet, at twenty one, she was seated in front of her boss ready to sign a contract. A contract that stated that the marriage would be only for an year.

"Do you want to make any changes in the contract?", asked Mr Moretti. By now Ivana had already read the contract five times. It mentioned that an amount of five hundred million dollars will be transferred to her account immediately after the marriage. No physical relation should be maintained with the other party. No cheating, which was fair enough. She wouldn't want to listen people gossip about her husband's mistresses.

"No! It's fine. But, how will I talk to my father about this? What will I tell him?" She plainly couldn't tell him about the contract. He was a vile man. He would definitely ask for money.

"Exactly what we'll tell others", Domenico suggested.

Ivana thought about it for a moment. Perhaps he was right. Telling her father that they fell in love would be perfect. She nodded her head in agreement.


Work !! Work !! Work !!

Why doesn't it end. Ivana frowned looking at the pile of files scattered that needed to be sorted out by her.

Domenico thought she would love to play with a heap of old files, looking like a rag doll with dust all over her clothes and hair.

''Ahhmmm....Ahhmmmm.." Ivana turned to to see him casually leaning on the door frame.

The fake marriage deal changed something between them. It was like he had become civil towards her.

"WHAT!", she exclaimed. He scrunched his forehead in confusion. He looked cute.

"Are you done ?" He asked coming in. "No, but it'll be done in an hour", Ivana informed him examining the file in her hand.

Tugging Ivana's hand he said, "Come! Let's tell your father today. Together." She was sure her face mirrored a horrifying expression.

She was definitely not ready for this.... Firstly, she had no idea how her father would react to this piece of information.

Secondly, she didn't want Domenico to see her father. She didn't want him to know her family condition.

Although he already knew about the debt. It won't make a difference if he saw her father's drunken ass.

To be honest, she didn't want him to envision her as some weak twat. But she couldn't ignore the fact he already thought she was weak.

"Back to earth Ivana." He snapped his fingers in front of her face. Those long fingers. Even his fingers are pieces of art to her.

"Yeea..hhh...hh. Let's g...g...go." Her ability to frame a coherent sentence was meddled. She hastily grabbed her stuff and walked towards the exit to save herself from any embarrassment.


The drive to Ivana's house was silent. The front of the house was pitch black, which succeeded in hiding the age old scrapped paint of the house.

"Let's go", he grabbed her hand roughly and dragged her to the door. What's with him dragging her always, she wondered.  Not that she was complaining. No matter how sick it sounded, it felt good and safe.

Ivana fished out her set of keys to unlock the door, only to find her drunk father sitting on the floor holding a pair of scissors looking partially crazy.

"You're home Ivanaaaa......Go get a drink. This tooble-tool wants some", he said raising the scissors in the air. His hair disheveled, clothes dirty and eyes red.

Domenico looked at her with quite an unreadable expression. She felt ashamed of herself at that moment.

"Dad! We need to talk." she said trying to focus on her father, not wanting to show her father's masquerade to her current boss and soon-to-be-husband.

"Is it more important than feeding tooble-tool?"

"Yes it is Sir", her soon-to-be-husband said.

"Who isssss this young m-a-n Ivana?", Her father inquired. She knew it was not right to tell him when he was drunk. But when was he not drunk? So, It was better to get over with it.

"Dad! This is Mr Domenico Moretti, owner of Moretti Towers." Ivana motioned towards her boss. "And this is my father, Mr James Miller." The shorter the introduction, the better. "We're getting married Dad. We love—"

"Are you pregnant with his child?" Ivana's father wobbled towards her from his comfortable position and lashed at her. "You SLUT !! You filthy girl." He screamed trying to slap her. But—

Before his calloused hand could make a contact with her cheek, a big masculine hand gripped his hand tightly and pushed him hard making him lose his balance. With a loud thud he fell on the ground.

Ivana ran out of the house, hurt and ashamed by her OWN father's actions. Ashamed of her life. How could he think so low about her? Tears blurred her vision.

Heavy footsteps following her could be heard, but her mind had drifted into a dejected zone. "Stop Ivana.....Stop... Please....Stop.."

It wasn't hard for Domenico to catch up with her pace because of his long lean legs. He stopped Ivana by her waist, and turned her body to face him. Those big hands touched her shoulders to steady her ferociously shaking body.

Then, he gently engulfed her in his embrace. Ivana had started feeling safe around him.

She bawled her eyes out hugging him tightly, pouring out all her distress and anguish accompanied by her tears. She cried hard just as on the day her mother died.

After Ivana's sobs subsided, he detached her from his rock-hard chest, to stare at her tear stained face.

"How dare he try to hurt you!!" He yelled angrily, raking his hands through his perfectly combed hair.

Such a hypocrite.... Ivana let out a dry laugh. "You have no right to be angry....when you YOURSELF have hurt me so many times. You men are all same....It would be better if you LEAVE." she said exerting more pressure on 'leave'. All her pent up anger vented out.

Maybe she went too far..... perhaps not

He didn't yell at her, neither did he polemize. An unexplainable expression crossed his face before he left. But, Ivana didn't had it in her to ponder about it. After the turn of events, she just wanted a relaxing sleep.


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