/•/ EXCERPT /•/

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The eyes that once seemed pretty to Ivana were burning with ferocious flashes. Storming towards her, he grabbed her throat and shouted, "NOBODY talks to ME like that. Get that through your thick skull, You filth!! N-O-B-O-D-Y."

With that he threw her like a lifeless doll on the ground. Her arm hit the nearest cabinet corner which was sharp enough to kill someone. It went inside her skin and blood seeped out.

Without acknowledging her now bleeding arm, he stormed out of the room.

Not even once he glanced back to undo the damage he had caused. But, Ivana felt no physical pain. All the memories of her past came rushing back and she started crying histerically. Maybe I was born to be hated, she thought.

Until It Rains... #wattys2020Where stories live. Discover now