Part -7

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The rest of the day Ivana's thoughts were clouded by the change in Domenico's behaviour. It was four in the evening when Casey barged into her cabin, "Girl!! Why were you late in the morning. Were you sick? Tell me. RIGHT NOW!"

The 'Mommy-Casey' was back.

She had always been very protective of Ivana. Once when they were in second grade she punched a boy, who was teasing Ivana for her missing tooth. Poor boy. He never tried to converse with her after that, ever.

"I was just too tired. And dad came home drunk again", Ivana told her leaving the part about her and Domenico's encounter in a secluded room.

"My baby. Don't stress too much. You know how it—" Casey stopped mid-sentence, and after a few seconds shouted, "WAIT!"

Her sudden outburst confused Ivana. What happened to her in the fuddle of the communication. "What?"

"What's that?" Casey eyed the pink stickey note which was graciously sitting on Ivana's computer screen.

"Seems like SOMEONE had a pretty NICE time with her BOSS", she said in a teasing voice.

"CASEY!! Will you please slow down? Someone will hear you. And I didn't had any 'NICE' time with that DEVIL", Ivana mimicked her voice.

How could Casey be so enthusiastic at this hour. Whereas Ivana was sure she might be looking like a fucking homeless chicken by now.

"I disagree with you Ms. Miller. Tell me what happened. I'm dying out of curiosity", Casey squealed in excitement.

Ivana knew Casey won't stop until she tell her. "Hetreatedmywound", she gibbered out of breath.

"What...What....What....Speak ENGLISH" Casey smacked Ivana's head.

"Oouchh !! That hurts Casey", exclaimed Ivana irritatingly rubbing her head.

"Oh really.....tell me you little devil or I'll chop your hair off", Casey threatened.

Seeing her this excited and curious about this, Ivana decided not to tell her what happened in the archive room. She didn't want her best friend to think of Mr. Moretti as an evil being.

"He treated my wound. That's it! When he saw my arm, he straight away went to get the ointment. Maybe he isn't that bad."

"Ouuu....I can feel the winds blowingggggg", Casey said in a sing-song tone followed by a giggle which resembled a teenager.

Throwing the first thing Ivana got her hands on, which was an unfortunate binder on her face she shouted blushing, "GET OUT !"

Luckily Casey caught it before it could come in contact with her pretty face, and left the place laughing hard.


In the middle of the woods there was a dim light coming from somewhere, Ivana marched towards it. She could sense the darkness that followed right behind her.

Upon reaching the source of light she saw a tiny candle lit on the ground, and a man sitting beside it. His skin was pale, eyes red as if he was crying for hours. Those red eyes were the door to a hollow soul. Ivana couldn't recognise him because of the dim light, but those eyes— she knew she had seen them somewhere.

He moved towards her and held her hand, yet she was unable to see his face properly. Those beautiful orbs bored into hers in search of solace. Those eyes...those eyes...those eyes...

"GET UP", startled by the noise Ivana jumped out of her sleeping position, to find the Domenico standing right in front of her.

He was still jabbering something, but her stupid brain paid no attention to it.

What caught Ivana's attention were those dark orbs that she just saw in her dream. "Your eyes...." the phrase rolled out of her tongue unconsciously.

After realising how dumb she must have sound, Ivana mentally slapped herself for the idiocy.

"What my eyes....?", he imitated her.  Ivana of course couldn't tell him about her dream. It didn't even sound sensible in her mind to see her boss in her dreams.

She bet it was foolish.

Ivana tried hard to avoid his gaze. The same gaze that trapped her everytime he stares into her eyes.

Suddenly the clock on the table caught her attention. It was ten at night. She had slept almost six hours in the office.

He won't excuse her this time. He'll definitely fire an unprofessional person from his firm. To top all of it, this man hated her. All her thoughts were haywire.

"Am I fired ? It's okay if I am. How stupid of me to ask such a question !! Who sleeps six hours in the office. Nobody, but definitely a dumb person like me. Let me grab my......" Ivana started gathering her things but failed, making the pile of files in her hand fall in the process and cursed her clumsiness, "Crap"

His rich laughter interrupted her blabbering. He was laughing.


It was the first time Ivana saw him laughing wholeheartedly and it was mind blowing-ly beautiful to her. His lips formed perfect curves making the smile lines prominent.

Who would have thought two days ago that Ivana Miller would be admiring Domenico Moretti at this hour of night in the lonely office building; giving no fuck about the time, place, or even the person standing before her laughing his heart out.

"You look like an innocent child when you laugh like that...uummmm.....I'm pretty sure, I'm the first one in this whole office to see your beautiful laugh", she blurted out of the blue which made him stop. He fixed his suit and pressed the creases formed on it.

"Will you shut up and tell me why haven't you left the building ?", asked Domenico turning to his businessman-like-tone.

"I fell asleep here. But, I'll get going now." Not wanting to anger him, Ivana quickly and ungracefully collected her things, slipping a thing or two out of her grasp in the process. She could sense his gaze on her every action which was further making her nervous.

As she started to hastily shuffle out of the room, he stopped her by holding her wrist. "Let me drop you. It's not safe for you to go alone."

Ivana's heart was almost ready to pop out of her chest at the mere touch, yet she composed her stance like a lady to answer him. "Okay"

The ride to her house was quiet and uncomfortable. The drak orbs scrutinized her every move like a hawk making Ivana self-conscious and sheerly uncomfortable.

The only phrases uttered by him were when he asked her address. Once he dropped Ivana off, she went into her room to get some sound sleep after the rollercoaster the day was, dreaming about the dark orbs - which she definitely should not have.

But the pull was inevitable. Ivana knew it was bad, but there was no escape.


Surprise update 😁😁😁

Have a nice day !!!🌹🌹

Read and enjoy.📖

Thanks !!!


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