Part -6

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By the time Ivana woke up her head was hurting badly. The room was dark, only light that could be seen was seeping in through the ventilator on the right corner of the opposite wall.

Her entire body ached from sitting in an uncomfortable position. The crying had verily tired her. Her arm was in need of some serious medical attention. It was hurting a lot, but she didn't want to spend money on medical bills. So, she got up and straight away headed to her house.

On reaching the corner of the street Ivana saw a tall figure standing in front of her house's gate, trying to open it.

Initially she was little hesitant to approach him, but decided to tip-toe towards him. She immediately recognised the mop of dirty blonde hair.

"You came" It was her father's groggy voice.

He was drunk again. "Please open the gate."

She took out her keys and opened the gate for him.

Tottering down the path that led to the main door of the house, he went inside and started banging his fist on the wall.

Oh God, Not today. I can't handle him when practically my own body is need of medical attention....Ivana begged in her mind.

After 15 minutes of continuously torturing the poor wall, he fell on the ground - eyes closed, lips open, drooling. His pallid face hardly standing out against the white wall.

Sometimes Ivana wondered where was the strong man she knew as a child. How did all this happened to her. How ? When ? Why ?

There was no answer to how it happened. We can't control our fates. We just can't. She knew that.

Tears streamed down her cheeks for the helplessness she had felt during those years.

But Ivana surely knew, we can definitely take control of our actions. We can take care of our loved ones. WE CAN TAKE CARE OF OUR CHILD.

Her father did none. NONE !! He made her life miserable.

After cursing her poor life, which she did literally everyday, she looked down at her father. He was sound asleep. She thought it would be better to leave him there because she don't think her hands would able to drag him to his room.

So, Ivana descended towards the stairs which led to her room. Her body, mind and soul were so tired that it didn't take much time for sleep to consume her body.



The ringtone of Ivana's phone woke her up from deep slumber the next morning. Her tired body needed more rest.

She picked her phone from the side table sleepily and put it on her ear; while stuffing her face further into the pillow.

"Ivaaaaaaa !! You are late. It's 9:30 in the morning. Where the fuck are you ? Mr. Moretti is asking for you", Casey shouted nearly making Ivana deaf.

But, hearing her rant Ivana's eyes literally popped out of their sockets.

She had slept till 9:30. She had to be in the office early.

Crap......Holy Crap.

"Why do you keep getting yourself into trouble ? Don't you know anything about A-L-A-R-M.
A fucking ALARM? Learn to use it, You dumbass !"

"Stop it Casey. Just S-T-O-P STOP, okay!
I know I'm late. I'll come there as fast I can. See you. Bye". Before Casey could reply anything Ivana put the phone down and hopped off the bed to get ready.

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