Part -15

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Getting married at an age of twenty one wasn't even a fragment of Ivana's plans. Yet here she was married to a man who didn't love her. She doubt he even liked being seen with her.

Perhaps she was just a pest for him. Whereas Domenico was an animal that shouldn't be stopped. Else he'll burn everything that will come in his way. Being a man with dark aura, he wasn't someone to be messed with.

"No...please...Stop", Ivana begged. Yet his pace didn't falter, moving faster than before.

"Pleaseee....I can't... anymore"


He dragged Ivana out of the venue enraged like a mad bull without giving a shit about her now twisted ankle.

They were supposed to have their first dance as a couple. But, Domenico didn't care about the rituals. Everything in his life happened according to his desire.

"Wait....", Ivana cried but it was as if he had lost his hearing. She tried to match his pace, but to no avail. She continuously tugged his hands to balance herself.

A car halted in front of them making this marathon take a pause. The valet opened the car door, staring at Ivana weirdly. She presumed, he was probably probably thinking that the lunatic groom dragged his bride out of the wedding venue just before their first dance.

"Don't", Domenico shouted in fury. His bloodshot eyes dared the man not to stare at his wife, pulling Ivana towards his chest.

The scared man mumbled an inaudible apology and scurried away.

Domenico turned his attention back to Ivana, eyeing her like a hawk with his dark orbs. "Get in before I leave you here." He quirked his brows, as if to challenge her.

Ivana wanted to scream out of irritation. This man had the potence to get into her nerves. His moods keep changing more frequently than a chameleon's color.

He grabbed her arm and pushed her into the backseat of the vehicle. "You took forever to get in", he reasoned.

"I will do as I like." She huffed, folding her hands closed to her chest.

"You wouldn't dare. Or else...."

"Else what? You'll insult me like you always do? Or you'll hit me? Or ignore me like you did the whole fucking week? Tell me what you'll do. Huh"

His lips turned upwards amused. Ivana could tell he was enjoying this way too much. Gazing right into her eyes, he bend forward and huskily whispered in her ear, "I might punish you sweetheart."

Hearing his words, Ivana blushed furiously. She did not dare to look at his perfectly sculpted face, fearing she might fall for the man. The man who hated her, for he thinks she was weak. Yet here she was, blushing and wishing to be kissed by him at the altar.

The conversation she had last week with Casey was still fresh in her casket of memories. It was the day after the bomb of he rage blitzed on him.


"Casey, I'm feeling guilty." Ivana sat on her cabin chair. The guilt was eating her up. And the fact he had distanced himself disturbed her more than she had anticipated.

"Okaaaaayyyyyy.....I understand. But, Are you sure it's guilt ?" Casey searched her friend's eyes for any probable clues.

"What are you trying to say!!!", Ivana cried raising her hands in the air.

"All I'm trying to say is that you have a soft corner for your boss. You obviously like him."

"Shut up Casey. You're not making sense." Ivana stood up from the chair and stormed off.

"I warned you before. You'll end up falling in love with him", Casey shouted from behind.

Ivana flipped her the bird. However, her brain was still trying to register her friend's words.

Did she really like Mr. Moretti?? She liked his eyes. They were the darkest shade of black she had ever seen. She did like his Italian accent. Who doesn't, right? She was intrigued by his unpredictable behaviour, one moment he was sweet and the next he was rough. She did admired his soft brown hair. Weren't they just girl things? Girls like to appreciate....

~~~End of flashback ~~~

When had Ivana become physically responsive towards Domenico, she didn't know. She didn't want to know. Don't want to remember anything except him.

He was like a cyclone, sucking her deep into him. And she didn't had a control over herself. She was the stupid girl who knew she would be destructed for anyone else after this, yet she agreed to marry him.


"Huhh..." She looked at his face bewildered.

He motioned for Ivana to gaze out of the window. Tilting her head to the left she found out that they had reached their destination : her house, for an year ; an unpredictably dreadful year.

Until It Rains... #wattys2020Where stories live. Discover now