Part -14

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The Wedding Day

Soon the day approached when Ivana Miller would become Mrs. Ivana Moretti for an year. Looking out of the hotel window she wondered 'what this whole year has in store for me'.

After that night, Domenico didn't look her way. He had shut himself down completely. Those orbs seemed darker and hollow. And she certainly didn't like it.

All the wedding preparations were handled by his hired wedding planner, Sherlyn. During these seven days, Ivana had become quite close to her. "What are you thinking babe?" Her voice resonated across the room.

"Just nervous", Ivana reasoned.

"Oh shut up !! You're probably thinking about his willy." Sherlyn winked. Ivana's face turned red as a beetroot recalling the day she saw him in his office, naked with a girl.

"Willy sounds too childlike Sherlyn", Casey exclaimed from behind. She was looking beautiful in a baby blue off shoulder dress which reached her knees.

"Girls please!!", Ivana said pretending to adjust her wedding gown. It was a beautiful dress with intricate patterns covering its upper half, and frills forming it's girth. It had a heart shaped back pattern which showed her back a little too much for her liking.

"Ivana you're blushing—" Sherlyn was interrupted by a knock on the door. The three of them looked at each other in confusion. Casey shrugged her shoulders and went to open the door.

"Who's it?", She enquired before opening the door.

"It's me....Can I talk to my bride?" Domenico's husky voice from the other end of the door.

Ivana's breath hitched. Her stupid  heart created a rampage in her chest so hard that she was sure the girls could hear it.

He gave a charming smile to the girls upon entering. The black tuxedo fitted him perfectly around his big, manly shoulders. His hair were set back neatly in a sleek hair style, highlighting his forehead. His tall body yelling 'DOMINANCE'.

Domenico's Dominance. Ivana internally laughed at her silly thought.

"Sure" "Okay" Both the girls said at the same time. Winking at Ivana's direction, they left her alone with him.

Traitors !!! Traitors !!! Traitors !!! Ivana's mind screamed.


"What is it?", she snapped interrupting him midway . It was hard to hide her irritation. She had no clue why she was irritated. She wasn't usually the girl to throw tantrums.

It might be because the entire week he was trying to avoid her. She didn't knew exactly why. Everything about him was confusing her.

"Nothing.....", with that he left her standing in the middle of the room. He seemed more confusing and unpredictable to Ivana today.

Fuck him !!

Why did he come all the way to her suite when he had nothing to say.
She huffed in annoyance thinking,  I was not the one going around ignoring people and lashing at whoever came to sight. He had nothing important to say.


The wedding was at a massive hotel lobby with minimum number of guests, only the closest members of Moretti family and some friends were present.

Why was it held at such a big place when only few people were invited?
Ivana's brain had no idea.

Moretti's presumably wanted to splurge about their wealth. Just to show the power they held in the elites.

A soft music played in the background. She cautiously walked down the aisle, with Casey and Sherlyn on her either sides. Both were wearing identical baby blue gowns.

A part of her wanted her father to be present, yet another part was angry. Angry for every pain he had ever inflicted on her - physical or emotional.

Ivana could feel every eye on her. Some were judgemental while others were envious. But, one was burning holes into her head. It was disturbing. She turned her head to the right, only to find a beautiful model-like lady, nearly around twenty five, throwing daggers at her.

Why wouldn't she? Afterall, Ivana was getting married to the heartthrob of the city. But, something was definitely off about the lady.

Ignoring her envious stares, Ivana moved forward where her future-husband was waiting for her. His face was void of any emotions. Yet, she could see a storm in his eyes ready to be unleashed.

Looking straight but nowhere, Ivana smiled like a happy bride should. Yet she was everything but happy. What happened next was still a blur in her memories. The thought of her life with Domenico being as odious as her mother's married life scared her.

It's for an year idiot....Not for lifetime.... she reminded herself.

"You may kiss the bride." These words reverted Ivana's attention to the man standing in front of her, looking handsome as ever.

It was the moment to seal the deal with a kiss. A kiss that was supposed to be the purest.

Taking a step towards her, he looked into her eyes. The people around were cheering, but Ivana could hear nothing. The only sound she heard was the erratic beats of her heart. It wasn't the first time he was going to touch her, yet she felt nervous.

His big, calloused hands held her face with so much care that for a moment Ivana was fooled that they were a real couple.

But the following gesture burst her bubble and proved the intellect of the man standing before her. He tilted his head at an angle that it might look like he kissed her, but he didn't.

That's how her wedding kiss was! As fake as her wedding.

A part of her was upset at the fact that he didn't kiss her. She felt sadness seeping into her heart. She didn't know why she felt like that but it felt right to be upset about the fact that he didn't kiss her. Whereas another part was relieved that he didn't.


A/N : I hope you all are enjoying the book so far.
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