Part -16

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Although the house was a bachelor pad, yet it was neat and clean with luxurious modern interior. Nothing looked less than a magazine print out.

The lobby was painted white while the ceiling was black. The couches were grey with a mirror like bubble shaped centre table in the middle.

Too bad I would be allowed to live in this heaven for an year only..... Ivana thought.

"Ahmm...Ahmmm" A clearing of throat interrupted Ivana's self-tour of the house, after her husband left her at the doorstep.

She turned around to see a woman, wearing a uniform accessing her from top to bottom. Perhaps thinking how Ivana managed to snatch away Domenico from the beautiful girls of the elites.

"Hello Mam!", the woman said bowing. A fake smile adonized her pretty face. She was probably around thirty.

Ivana's searched for a ring in her hand. The woman's slender fingers didn't adorn a ring which clearly meant she was single.

"Hello!", Ivana replied trying not to show any kind of disliking for the woman.

"Sir has left for his office. He asked me to show you your room", the lady directed Ivana towards her supposed room.

"I am Rosalia, the house maid. I come here in the morning at ten and leave by six in the evening." She added before leaving. "If you need anything, please don't ask me."

Ivana gaped at the now vacant place where once stood the weird lady. She couldn't believe her ears. If Domenico's insults weren't enough, now his house help had also insulted her.

Ivana looked around at the room. It was a massive bedroom with king sized bed in the middle. There was a roof to floor window at it's left. A big television was fixed at the other wall. It was luxury at it's best.

She walked towards the door which was in the right side of the room. It was a luxurious bathroom. Adjacent to the bathroom door was another door which led to a walk in closet.

The closet was filled with Domenico's expensive suits, ties, watches and chocolates. Chocolates? Ivana laughed looking at the stack of chocolates. She couldn't believe he was a sucker for chocolates.

"What's so funny to you?", His voice boomed from behind.

Ivana stopped her laughing marathon to look at him. He was eyeing her with irritation evident on his face. "uumm-S-orry. I didn't peg you for someone who likes chocolates", she said trying to stiffle a giggle.

"Shut up!" He scolded her. Ivana noticed he was still wearing the tuxedo from before. "Arrange your clothes in that wardrobe", he said pointing at a big wardrobe in the farthest corner.

A bulb suddenly lit in her mind. If she was to keep her clothes here, did it mean she would sleep in his bed?

"I am not sleeping here with you", she said folding her hands and stood like that for a minute or two. She wasn't someone who liked sharing her bed.

Ivana could clearly see that Domenico's patience was running out each second. His eyes had started turning darker which each second which meant he was about to explode.

"You know what. I am sleeping in this room", with that she turned her head away from him. She felt defeated at the thought that she had given up too quickly. Not wanting him to see the tear that had managed to escape, she hung her head low.

Everytime she saw his anger surfacing, her heartbeats increased making her realise she was still scared of him. No matter how little progress they had made, it falls apart in a nano second.

Domenico tried to approach her but before he could say anything, Ivana ran towards her luggage to take out a comfortable piece of clothing and scurried towards the bathroom.

He stood at his spot thinking what made Ivana change her mind. She looked defeated. This win made him smirk in satisfaction. He knew she was as affected by him as much as he was by her.

If that wasn't a win for a man, he didn't knew what was.

The affect he had on her wasn't similar to what he had on other females. With them it was just physical. Whereas with Ivana, it was much more.

Fear, anticipation, care and hurt. He wanted to dwell in every ounce of it.

He was a man with thousands of emotions, each amplified much more than a normal human being.

Domenico was abnormal yet normal in his own way.

He wanted to be loved and cared for. But, the pain inside his heart was excuriating for him to ever love someone. Hence, the facade of a bad man.

Being a smart man he had noticed that not talking to him for almost a week changed something in Ivana. He could always sense her hopeful eyes on him.

Hope— he hated it.


A/N : another update.

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