Part -3

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Rummaging through her old, dainty closet Ivana settled on a pair of ripped blue jeans, a white top and her favourite pair of sneakers. This would be good for my 5.2 ft frame, she thought to herself.

Quickly she walked to the bus station near her house which was at a walking distance of 10 minutes. From there boarded a bus to a station near Moretti Towers.

Once she got into the building, she went to the reception and asked for Casey. The reception lady was a very humble woman in her early thirties maybe, brown hair, blue eyes, freckles on her nose - overall a natural beauty.

The lady called Casey to get Ivana and within minutes her friend was walking down the office lobby, looking beautiful as always and professional in her black jumpsuit. "Hey Iva, All good?"

"I'm nervous. I don't know what will happen. This is my first time giving an interview like this.....You know, in a big firm", said Ivana fidgeting with her fingers nervously.

"Calm down girl !! Everything will be fine. You'll do great. Now come, I'll escort you to the place where the interview is being held". Casey took her to 9th floor of the building where five girls, models-by-appearance were waiting for their name to be called, stared at Ivana with detest.

But the weird thing was that there were only five applicants for a job in such a big firm.

Maybe there were others who had already given their interviews, Ivana presumed.

After 45 minutes of waiting and being stared down as if she was a rag picker, her name was called. "Ms. Miller. It's your turn."

Thanking the lady Ivana walked into a nice conference room. The walls were painted white and most of the furniture was dark brown, void of any other colors.

"Please sit down Ms. Miller", said the person sitting on the other end of the huge table set in the middle of the room.

"Thank you!", she settled herself on the seat quickly, her nerves picking up.


The interview went really smooth. Ivana finally landed the job in Moretti Towers. Country's most prestigious company.

But, after half an hour being hired she was told about the crankiest boss in the whole world. Every personal assistant that was hired for him didn't stay more than one week.

Another weird thing that happened was being appointed as a personal assistant, when she had gone for a secretary's job. But, to Ivana it didn't matter much until she was getting paid. For her top most priority were food, shelter, and clothing, nothing else.

I could take his trantrums if I'm making good cash, thought Ivana. Money was her sole concern at that moment.

Ivana hastily entered the 25th floor where the Boss's office was. It wasn't hard to find the office since it was the only door with a name written on a gold plate : it said 'Domenico Moretti'.

Rich people !!!!

Children are dying everyday. And these brats are wasting money on gold name plates.

Why not to spend on some 'food plates', rather than blowing on 'gold plates'.

Her best manners prompted her to knock on the door but nobody answered. After waiting for a few minutes she turned the knob herself and straight away went inside.

Dumb me!!! She cursed mentally herself.

Ivana couldn't believe what she saw inside - a man and a woman together. The woman was laying bare on the couch while the man was all over her.

Ivana was scared to death. She knew he could fire her. Rich people had been the conjurors since ages whereas the poor had been their slaves, dancing to their order's rhythms.

"GET OUT !!", shouted the man without glancing at her. It seemed he had sensed someone's presence in the room, in his personal space.

Hearing those two words Ivana sprinted out of the room towards the washroom she had discovered fifteen mintues ago. All crazy thoughts running through her head.

''Maybe he'll fire me after this. Oh my God. What have I done ! I should know not to barge into my boss's office'', she rambled looking at her reflection in the mirror. Her eyes were wide in horror with streaks of dry tears on her cheeks.

Suddenly there was a knock on the washroom door. Ivana opened it to find a redhead lady in her initial thirties, dressed in blue skirt and white shirt standing and staring at her tear stained face.

"Mr. Moretti is asking for you. Better see him before he gets really angry." The lady ordered her as if Ivana was a pest before her, ready to be crushed. Times like these ALWAYS made Ivana complaint how God had been unfair to her.

Maybe I should run away and never come back to this place. That way I won't be insulted. For a moment she considered running away from the building.

But Ivana, You have done something horrible so you should atleast apologize. Be a brave woman and tell him that you're sorry.

Her conscience was encouraging her to go and face her boss, whereas her mind wanted her to run far away. Finally Ivana gave in and went to see him. What worse can happen - he'll just fire me on my first day, she mumbled preparing herself for the worst.


Hey readers !!!!
Were ya'll expecting this ?

Keep reading to know what will happen next.

Thanks ❤️❤️❤️


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