Part -5

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Ivana was awake almost all night drowning in self pity. Her father woke up a few times at midnight, and started yelling and throwing things around.

At times like these, she felt desperate need to run somewhere far away. She couldn't leave her father behind. Although her father had been an irresponsible parent but she didn't want to be an irresponsible child.

tring tring, tring tring......

Sound of Ivana's phone ringing brought her out of the chain of thoughts her mind was tangled in. Dashing towards her damaged phone which was lying on the floor, she picked it up. It was Casey.

"Hello!" Ivana replied rubbing her drowsy eyes with the back of her hand.

"Where are you? It's half past five in the morning and you have to be at the office by 6. Just called to remind you."

Duhhh..... how can she be so enthusiastic at this hour..... Ivana thought rolling her eyes.

She removed the phone from her ear and peeped at the screen. It beamed 5:30. Realisation of possibly getting late struck her like lightening. "Hang up. I'll see you there. BYE...BYE...BYE", she screamed and jumped out of the bed in a frenzy.

After taking a quick bath, Ivana rummaged through her closet for something to wear. Ten minutes later she was ready to leave wearing a beautiful green off-shoulder dress stopping just an inch or two above her thigh, probably inappropriate for office.


Sprinting to the bus station Ivana rode a bus to Moretti Tower. She reached on time since it was early morning which meant less traffic.

Riding the elevator she finally reached her destination. By then her palms were sweating. She didn't know what the dark eyed man wanted from her.

"May I come in Sir?"

"Come in", he ordered while typing something on his laptop. His hair was geled back as always. The black suit he was wearing screamed - money, money, money and money.

Soon the air in the room became deadly intense when he looked up from his laptop screen tilting his head to his right, to probably have a good look at Ivana.

His piercing eyes were gawking at her like a hawk making her insides a squishy mess. Her traitorous heart started hammering inside her chest, ready to pounce out of its cage.

The man stood up from his position and started walking towards her; while she was glued to her spot, not moving even a millimetre.

His pair of black eyes were scanning her from head to toe. There was something in them that made Ivana shiver in a weird way.


A sudden knock on the door pulled him out of his trance. "What is it Sharon?", he snarled scaring the person other side of the door.

"S-i-r, the do-docu-ments you asked a-a-are ready."

"Go away!" He screamed and went to his desk.

"And you!! Listen" he said irritatingly pointing his finger towards Ivana." Bring coffee for me" With this order being made he went to his desk and started typing on his laptop.

Ivana quickly scurried out of the room. To her, he was a mannerless wealthy man who treated people below him as pests. But, his despise for poor wasn't what made him seem crazy to her. It was his eyes that held darkness which scared her.


"Listen Iva, I don't get why are you so worked up about this", Casey exclaimed raising her hands in the air. They were in her cabin sipping freshly brewed coffee.

"If you would have seen his face then you wouldn't be saying this right now. That man hates me, let me tell you that."

He had poured the coffee Ivana had got him into the bin stating that it's temperature was not according to his preference.

Who says that kind of stuff. What am I suppose to do? Check the temperature with a fucking thermometer now, Ivana mentally screamed taking the empty cup and came to her best friend to let out some steam; which wasn't exactly going Ivana's need. She didn't want anyone to ask her to stay positive.

"And if you would just be less negative, then it won't be a big deal. That's how rich people are. They want everything to be done their way. Don't worry sweetheart." Casey tried to assure Ivana.

" Now I know why his previous assistants left", Ivana stated as a matter of fact. "That man has some serious anger issues."

Ivana's head was a mess. She didn't know what to do. Her life had become messier. "I have to go Casey. Or he'll slit my throat this time, for not getting him perfectly brewed coffee", saying she stood up.


Ivnaa directly went to the coffee machine and started brewing his coffee. When she was satisfied with the temperature her feet marched towards his office.

With the cup of coffee perfectly balanced in her right hand and a pile of files in her left hand, she got out of the elevator.

But, good luck and Ivana Miller were never best of friends. She accidentally bumped into someone and all the articles that were perfectly balanced in her left hand went flying into the air. The coffee spilled all over the floor.

"Can't you see Idiot. Now that devil will really slit my throat because of you", she shouted crouching and tried to collect the papers that fell out of the files.

Before she could clean the mess, Ivana felt a pair of muscular hands on her forearm. Looking up she saw a pair of red blazing eyes.

Ivnaa knew she had screwed up again, but what he did wasn't expected. He pulled her up and dragged like a rag doll across the lobby towards the archived room, which was at the end corner of the floor, whole time squeezing her forearm.

He shoved Ivana on the wall adjacent to the archive room's entrance so hard that her back hit the cold wall. He was infuriated like a lion whose prey had escaped from under his nose.

Ivana could see the darkness surfacing in his eyes. It frightened her. Her mind reverted to the times her father had hit her.

The eyes that once seemed pretty to Ivana were burning with ferocious flashes. Storming towards her, he grabbed her throat and shouted, "NOBODY talks to ME like that. Get that through your thick skull, You filth!! N-O-B-O-D-Y."

With that he threw her like a lifeless doll on the ground. Her arm hit the nearest cabinet corner which was sharp enough to kill someone. It went inside her skin and blood seeped out.

Without acknowledging her now bleeding arm, he stormed out of the room.

Not even once he glanced back to undo the damage he had caused. But, Ivana felt no physical pain. All the memories of her past came rushing back and she started crying histerically. Maybe I was born to be hated, she thought.


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