Part -11

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Who would have thought a few years ago that Domenico's life would alter into a hellhole stacked with pain, loneliness, anger, frustration and darkness. When had life been easy.

Pain, lonliness, anger, frustration, darkness : This was what best describes the life of CEO Domenico Moretti. And now Ma wanted him to marry.

Fucking MARRY.

He banged his fist on the table. Heck he doesn't even want to date anyone. How would he make a woman happy when all that surrounds him is darkness and pain.

A soft knock on the door pulled him out of his chain of thoughts. "Come in", he said. And there walked in Ivana in all her natural beauty, innocence dripping from her visage.

Domenico had no idea why  this girl made him want to be near her; no matter in what way- good or bad. Her presences makes him feel alive. Raw emotions erupt from the core of his being.

Looking at her he found the solution of his problem. What if he marry her? After the shares get into his hands, they could easily get a divorce.

"I have a proposal for you!!", Domenico announced without wasting time. Ivana's eyes snapped in his direction.

Marrying her seemed to be the best way out of the mess. He needed to marry in order to accquire those shares.

"What proposal sir?" She asked innocently.

"Marry me",he said. The look on her face was priceless. Her eyes were almost ready to pop out of their sockets.

After two  minutes of looking as if about to faint, she composed herself. "Is this because of your Grandmother's condition? Are you THAT GREEDY ? Why would you marry JUST to have a SHARE in property ?"

Intelligent girl, Domenico thought. Great! He wouldn't even require to explain anything to her. As that was the last thing he wanted to do which made him feel relieved.

Yet it did nothing to decrease his temper. He had always been a child with temperamental issues.

"JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP!", he shouted. Nobody had dared to accuse him ever in his life. He liked how people were scared of him. This way he didn't felt bound to satisfy them emotionally.

Her shivering body didn't matter to Domenico at that moment. He had again turned into the beast he was known to be. The urge to hurt her was too intense like he had lost his senses.

Within seconds he stormed towards her and pushed her fragile, shaking body on the couch with him on top of her.

"Why do you hate me so much?" She asked fear stricken. This was definitely not where Domenico had expected their conversation to lead.

He had no answer to her question. Heck, he himself didn't know why he generates an urge to see emotions in her, for him. So he told her the first thing that came out of his mouth. "Because you are WEAK."

Tears flowed freely down her cheeks hearing the words rolled out of Domenico mouth. He had no idea it would really hurt the girl that much.

"Stop your tears little girl. Just say YES to marry me. This way you don't have to worry about repaying your father's debt", he said trying his best to stop her from crying.

"How do you know about the debts?", she asked in astonishment rubbing the tears from her eyes.

"I always keep records of employees working on this floor."

She nodded her head in understanding looking more innocent and beautiful. The swell of her round breasts were in his line of vision.

"I don't want you with girls you did that day.....after we marry." She muttered in a low shy tone, loud enough for Domenico to hear.

"So, how would you like me to fuck?",he asked shamelessly with a smirk looking straight into her eyes.

A beautiful blush covered her cheeks : as beautiful as the summer dawn.

Few minutes ago he was prancing on her like an angered lion, and now he admired her blushing right beneath him.

"OH JESUS!", a sudden scream resonated around the room. Domenico turned his head to the person standing there, hands on her waist.

"GRANDMA!" He panicked, seeing her standing in front of him like a warden, eyeing the position he and Ivana were in.

"You shameless man!! You have a girl. When were you planning to tell? After my death?" It was good for Domenico that she assumed there was something going on between Ivana and him.

He stretched Ivana along with him and brought her close enough to whisper in her ears, "Just go with the flow."

"We were going to tell you yesterday Ma....BUT, you know, how it all went. I'm sorry Ma."

The whole grandma catching him with Ivana scenario would help make his father believe that the marriage is real.

What better way to snatch the shares away from Carter's hands.

To Domenico, he was just a piece of shit not worth being called dad.

"Infact we are getting married next week", he chocked on his saliva when Ivana uttered that.

"Oh Jesus!! Bless these two.....Just marry already. I cannot wait to be a Great grandmother. And YOU ", Ma pointed her index finger towards him. "Come to my house at 6pm to read the documents for transfer of shares."

"Congratulations darling!!" She left kissing Ivana's cheeks which were still red. "We should start planning", Domenico said to Ivana sweetly to which she replied with a nod.

The moment Grandma left his office, he turned to Ivana and said, "I'll get the paperwork done. You just have to sign the contract."

He thought it would be better if he made a contract. It'll make breaking the fake marriage more convenient.

"What papers?", she asked in confusion tilting her head sideways to look at him.

"You are really dumb!! The contract Ivana, which would state the time period of the marriage and your payment", he tried to clarify irritatingly.

"Ooohh", she said lost in her thoughts.

"Just come to my office at 3 pm. We'll sign the contract today itself." She nodded and left.

Domenico Moretti getting married. It was going to be a headline for all the news channels for sometimes.

Yet, this isn't what was bothering him most. It was Ivana.

The girl who saw him as a different person. Her eyes still didn't hate him after all the felonious things he had done to her.

Domenico didn't want her to be consumed by his darkness, yet he had dragged her into this mess. His urge to be close to her had managed to overpower his decision making skills.

Was she strong enough to endure being in his world?


Finally, Domenico's POV.

Please tell me how you feel about it.

Thanks. Enjoy reading ❤️❤️❤️


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